Chapter 10

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Five Days Later (Friday)

Ciarra's POV

I wake up excited for today because i know whats coming, but for now i have to act natural and go to work with my bestfriends. I check my phone with no new notifications i walk downstairs and go to the kitchen.

"Good morning Courtney" I say as i see her back turned to me. She turned around with a smile on her face. "Can you believe it, today is the day, this is going to be amazing." Courtney said as i nodded in agreement. "So what did he exactly tell you?" She asks me.

Flashback (Wednesday)

When i arrived at work Courtney and i went to the locker room, i was really sad because i knew i was going to miss Sara today. Courtney was ready before i was so she went out to help set up chairs for today, when i was done i went to walkout but was stopped by Cole. "Ciarra can i please talk to you?" He asked me, i was already annoyed that i wouldn't have Sara and now he was just making my day worse. "What do you want Cole?" I said crossing my arms. "I need to make it up to Sara, i made a big mistake."

"Why? What happened to Ashlee?"

"Ashlee was an old girlfriend of mine, she cheated on me a while back, but she came to my house last week and said she wanted to be back together, when she came back she brought good memories back. We hung out and then i caught her with another guy again and i realised that she will just keep doing this to me, and i dont need that. What i need is a girl like Sara."

"What if Ashlee didnt cheat on you? Then you wouldnt even think about Sara?" I asked him, it made me mad that she was his second choice.

"The universe would have brought us together. I know im just a dumb teenager that likes to party, but i know that there is something special in Sara McGregor, and she is worth every second of my time."

At this point I was smiling like crazy,Cole was serious, and i never heard a guy talk so sentimental and lovey like about a girl.

"So what should i do?" He asked me.

"I have an idea!"

*End of Flashback*

"So that is when you guys came and talked to me?" Courtney asked me.

"Yep, without you this whole idea wouldn't exist."

"Sara is going to be so happy." Courtney said leaving the kitchen to go get ready for work. I got up from the chair and walked to the bathroom to shower."

Courtney's POV

"Sara are you ready to go? Were going to be late!" Ciarra screamed up the stairs to her room. "Im coming!" She yelled, she came downstairs with wet hair and her bag with her uniform. "Come on sluts lets go, were gonna be late!" She says walking past us. Ciarra and i just laughed. When we got to work we went to the locker rooms tochange into our coconut bras and grass skirts. When we walked out Ciarra and i had an idea of whats coming, but Sara didnt.

We waited for the day to go on, we served our customers, and performed our dances, but the whole time Sara avoided Cole. When we had to perform our last dance of our shift it was 4 pm. On the stage beside the bar was a white chair facing the crowd. "Sara come here!" Akamai shouted beside me. She walked over to us. "I need you to sit on that white chair and put on this blindfold for the performance, were trying something new, and Courtney will take it off when its time, but stay seated." Akamai said, Sara nodded her head and did as he said, she went over to the chair and put von the blind fold.

When the clock hit four the performance began.

Sara's POV

I sat on the chair for a good five minutes, i could just feel everyone staring at me. Soon a ukulele began to play and i heard footsteps on the stage, my chair got turned 90 degrees and then my blindfold was removed. I saw Akamai playing the ukulele and Ciarra and Courtney dancing on each side of him. Cole walked on the stage with a microphone in his hands.

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