Chapter 10

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Inside my deserted school, Aniken High, I jogged down the corradors until I came to the Principal's office. This ought to be where the student files were.

Kneeling down to serch the lowest drawers, I looked in every cubbord and drawer I could find, finally ready to give up when I saw a key on the desk in plain sight. I picked it up and surveyed the room for drawers that needed a key to be opened. Strangely, there were none. Why would he have a key and no key hole to be seen in the room?

Figuring it must be in another room, I took the key and made my way to the main office, down the hall from the Principal's. In the back where, convienently, it said "Student Files" on the door, I turned the knob only to find it was locked. Glancing at the key in my hand I tried it, but to no avail. Turning around, I started to head back to another office room to look for the key when I heard footsteps getting louder. Looking around frantically until I found a door that wasn't locked and I slipped inside.

The room was dimly lit and there was a big desk on the left wall, with a window straight ahead. Hearing the footsteps coming closer and praying they wouldn't enter the room I had to prepare for the worst- and I had a choice between the window with an eight-foot drop to the ground and the desk.

I chose the desk. Stupid choice, I know, but the window was closed and I knew I didn't have time to open it before the person came in here. I crouched in the deepest shadows I could find and waited for the worst.

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