Chapter 4

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"Are you working for someone?" I asked him. He stirred slightly, groaning. His eyes fluttered. I repeated the question, louder this time. It had been at least ten minutes and he had finally gathered enough strength to open his eyes.

"No... I..."

"Why were you here, then? Did someone send you? Huh?"

"I... This place is always empty. I thought I'd be alone. I usually lock myself in the basement."

"Why would you do that?" I ask. He shifted his head and looked right at me without answering with eyes that were now black. And suddenly I knew.

He didn't have control. Not on a night like tonight. Not on the full moon.

"Why aren't you changing back then?" I asked him.

"I think you shocked the wolf right out of me. What... are you?"

I chuckled darkly. "That's what I'd like to know."

"What else can you do?" he breathed.

"Oh, no. I'm not telling you that. Nice try. There's no way I'm telling you the true extent of my abilities so you can find a way to get past me or kill me. Especially if you could be working for someone who wanted me dead."

"I'm not," he replied, looking at me with those wide black eyes again. I sigh. What was I supposed to do with him? Could I really leave him tied up like this? What was the alternative?

I sighed. I was SO going to regret this.

I nudged him awake (as he was rather drowsy) and helped him to his feet. He leaned on me heavily and shuffled along. I had loosened the bonds on his ankles enough so he could walk, but it was still tight enough to hobble him. I didn't need a rabid werewolf running around killing people. I had too many things to explain already.

With that thought came a wave of grief that crashed down on me so hard that for a moment I couldn't breathe. I got myself together enough to drag Roy- or what I thought was Roy- out of the building. My car was parked outside, and so was my friend's, Aedan. I went through another crushing wave of reality before shoving it deep down in my soul. Now was not the time to start crying.

I helped Roy into the backseat where I got some rope that was in my car to tie him to the seat as he simply would sit up. He growled a little but didn't fight. I wasn't sure if that was good or bad for him. Had I seriously hurt him?

Whatever, I thought. You had to do what you had to do. And if you hadn't blacked out you could have prevented their deaths. They might have had ringing ears for a while and a hell of a secret to keep but at least they wouldn't be dead.

Starting the car and whipping away my tears, I pulled out of the parking lot and headed out into the street. There wasn't much traffic this time of night, which was good, considering I swerved in the other lane a couple of times when my vision blurred from those damned tears.

Thankfully, while I am a little socially awkward and I have a vibe that most people would categorize as "unapproachable," I did have more than one friend. Three, actually, counting the dead one. And one of them would be willing to help- and would believe me.

I arrived at his house- more of an abandoned warehouse, actually. I helped Roy out of the car and pushed open the chain-link fence. It scrapped the ground as it swung open, and I knew it would wake him up. I didn't bother to knock, but just went right into the unlocked door. Declan didn't bother to lock his doors because any intruder would soon find themselves begging for their lives.

"Declan, it's me. I need your help." I called out into the the darkness. There was absolute silence, and then suddenly a light was turned on. I blinked in the sudden harshness to my eyes and saw him standing a few paces from me. I jumped, causing Roy to stumble and fall, pulling me on top of him. I grunted, pushing myself off. Declan was there, offering me a hand. I took it, and he helped me to my feet.

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