Bucky is Peter's biological Dad

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Peter's P.O.V.

It was September 5th nothing was happening at the Avengers Tower. Everyone was out or with their loved ones. Thor with Bruce in Asgard, Clint and Natasha on a mission, Wanda and Vision cooking, Steve and Bucky running, Sam flying about, and Scott with Cassie at a playground. Tony was in the lab, so I get out of my room to go find him.

Once I get closer to the lab F.R.I.D.A.Y. alerts me that Tony is having a panic attack

"Mr. Parker, Boss is having a panic attack." F.R.I.D.A.Y. tells me.

"Okay thanks Fri" I respond running into the lab were I found Tony tucked in the corner, with his head in his hands.

"Mr. Stark breathe with me now. In....and out.....in......and out. Are you with me Mr. Stark?" I ask after getting Tony to breathe normally

" Yeah, kid I think there's something you need to know." Tony says looking over to the desk.

"What?" I ask nervous about what it was. Tony points to the desk. I stand up, helping Tony stand and walk over to the desk.

Tony grabs the clipboard and shows it to me. I look at it before noticing that the last box (I don't know how DNA results work) was my DNA.

"Who's the other 2 Mr. Stark?" I ask.

"Tony, kid, and the other 2 are the 2 super soldiers. Look at your DNA and Buck's DNA. It's the same, look at Steve's it's different. Peter your Bucky's kid.

I look up at Mr. Stark's face to see if he's lying or joking but no. Completely serious face.

"Are you sure Tony?" I ask still unsure.

"Yes kid, ran the test 2 more times. Still the same." Tony responds.

" What do I do, do I tell him, do I not?" I think a out loud to myself.

"I would suggest you tell him." Tony tells me.

"But how?"

"Just show him the 3 results and say i'm your kid."

Okay don't know how that will help but it's worth a shot

"Mr. Parker, Boss, Capcicle and Buck are here."

"Thanks F.R.I.D.A.Y." Tony responds," Okay kid, go get 'em." Tony says back to me, pushing me out of the lab.

Okay this can't be that bad. Just tell him. And you have proof if he thinks your lying.

"Um...Mr. Barnes could I talk to you" I ask Bucky nods but Steve just stsnds there,"Um.... Okay Tony was doing DNA test on us three and found out...um... Iamyourkid." I blurt out then run to my room (for some reason).

No one's P.O.V.

Bucky was shocked and surprised to hear that Peter was his kid. Once he and Steve got over their shock, Peter was gone.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y. where's Peter?" Bucky asks the ceiling.

"In his room."

Bucky and Steve run to Peter's room, and tried the door handle first, thankfully it worked and the door opened. They found Peter on the edge of his bed crying his eyes out. They walk to him carefully, like a timed bomb going to explode, once they get to him they both crouch in front of Peter. Steve put's a hand and Peter's thigh (not creepy) while Bucky moves Peter's hair out of his face.

"Peter, can you look at us?" Bucky asks.

"We just wanna talk." Steve adds.

In Peter's mind he thought they were going to reject him, I mean when your in a happy relationship with someone, you wouldn't want sone random (not) kid tell you he's your son. But Peter does look up at the 2 people crouched in front of him

"Pete, your my son, correct?" Bucky asks.

"Y-Yes" Peter responds voice scratchy.

"Okay, and parents should love their kids right?"

"Mhm" Peter nods his head.

"So me and Steve, although he's not your biological dad, should love you right." Bucky said to Peter his voice calming and soft.

"I mean you don't have to, it's just test results and you and Steve are together why would you want me, a obnoxious, loud mouth, worthless-"

"Pete me and Bucky would love to have a sweet, kind hearted, caring son such as you." This time Steve talks.

Peter stare is shocked and surprised at what Steve had said. The 2 super soldiers stood up. And Peter flung himself in to Bucky's chest hugging him. While Steve hugged both of them from behind Peter.

"I love you dad and pops." Peter muttered before falling asleep.

"We love you to." Steve and Bucky responded. They put Peter in bed and sandwiched him between both of them (Steve and Bucky).

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