los angeles

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I step off the plane and of course no dad. im in l.a. and i dont where the hell to go. he picks the damndest times to not show up. I hear my voice in the background.

"heyy Ms. hill" i turn around oh no it cant be him. i hate him. it cant be.

"luke what are you doing here" i say as i walk over.

"hi to u too beautiful" he says with that smirk i hate so much.

"u didnt answer my question" i say threw my teeth.

"im here to pick you up your dad sent me" he says laughing and smiling. man i used to love that smile. i used to love that boy more than life itself but he is just a cheater. that is all he is.

"i would rather walk" i say as i walk by him. but he grabs my arm.

"youre coming with me sweetheart no matter if u like it or not" i pout and follow him out to the car. he grabs my luggage and puts it in the car. i get in the passengers seat.


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