introduction of myself

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Ok so I kind of forgot to tell you guys who i am. Sorry.

My name is McKenzee Elizabeth Hill. Im 17 years old. I am what some people woul classify as a Musical Prodigy. I have been singing since i was practicly able to speak. And got my first instrument when i was 3 its was a keyboard and within a matter of days i could play a full song. I remeber the first song i ever played was fur elise. My mom was so shocked when she heard me say "hey mommy i can play a really fast song". I thought i was so good. Im not very outgoing when it comes to certain situations. I love to talk but not in front of people i dont know. My most favorite thing in the world is my music i write my own songs Coral says i should let someone big see them and maybe i could be a song writer. I am sorry if this sounds selfish but i dont want anyone else singing my songs.

Im not exactly what u would call tall these days im short. Although i like to say im 'fun size'. Its just a funner way of putting it. I am 5"4. My hair is long and i refuse to cut it, its also a maroonish color. My eyes change color with my mood. Im not skinny but im not fat i guess thats why noone will ever date me. Well i did date a guy one time it was about 5 years ago and his name was Luke although i dont quite remember his last name he was a total dick. And after him i just pushed away any guy that tried to get close to me.

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