Chapter 24

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The door bell rings and Regina and I look at each other. "I'll get it my love". Regina says as she walks out to the door. A few moments later Regina walks in with her mother and her sister. This will be the first time Cora is seeing the baby. Zelena came to the hospital a few times. Cora hesitantly walks over to me as I'm standing in the middle of the living room holding my son. She smiles at me then looks down at Henry. "Oh, he's so beautiful. Congratulations".   "Thank you. Would you like to hold him?"  She gives me a surprised look then looks at Regina who smiles and nods at her. "I'd really love to". I gently place him into her arms and she gives him a kiss on the forehead. Regina and I sit on the loveseat as Zelena and Cora sit on the couch across from us. Looking at Cora, she has a smile on her face and a few tears in her eyes. I don't know this woman very well and from what I've seen from her in the past has not made me her biggest fan, but the woman sitting in front of me looks different somehow. We know she's still going to therapy, but could that really change someone so much?  Her and Zelena have come over for dinner a few times and it wasn't an awful experience, just a little awkward. "So mother, how does it feel to be a grandmother?"  Regina asks. Cora let a few more tears go before she said. "I'm sorry. I wasn't expecting to be affected this much. He's perfect". She shakes her head as more tears fall. "Here mother, let me take him". Zelena says as she takes Henry. "I've realize now what a horrible mother I have been to you girls, and I am so sorry for that. I know words can't change anything but if you let me, I would like to try and be a better mother from now on and be a good grandmother to Henry if you would all let me".  "Mother I have seen the change in you the last few months and it has been nice to actually have a mother, even if it's been limited. I'm willing to give you a chance, but I'm telling you mother if you step out of line even once it's all over".  "Thank you Regina". They get up and hug each other then sit back down. "Is this ok with you Emma?" I'm surprised by Cora's question. "Why are you asking me?"   "From the moment I heard about my daughter and you I was completely against it. Then you were married within days of meeting. I did everything I could to get you out of her life, and I am ashamed of my actions. I'm asking if you are ok with me being around more if Regina allows it". I look at Regina then respond to Cora. "I'll be honest with you, I'm not your biggest fan, but if my wife wants a relationship with her mother I will not try to stop her. I too have noticed a difference in you, but I will only tell you this once, if you disrespect her, our son or our home that's when I will step in. I will do whatever it takes to make sure my family is happy and safe. As long as you understand that, then I'm ok with you being around".   "Thank you Emma. I appreciate that, and I will respect your wishes". I nod and Regina squeezes my hand. Cora and Zelena stayed a little while longer till Henry started to get fussy because he was hungry. While Regina was feeding him she asked me "Are you really ok with my mother being around more?"  "Regina. I won't stop you from seeing your mother, but I meant what I said if she disrespects us, then you and I will have a conversation about what happens from there because I will not let her do to Henry what she's done to you and your sister". She leans over to kiss me. "Thank you my love".

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