Chapter One

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"She's beautiful, Harm. I bet Opie's overjoyed."

Harmony gave a tired laugh as she looked over at Fawn holding Parker. "I don't know. I think he was hoping for another boy."

Fawn scoffed. "Boys are over-rated. This one is gonna break hearts."

"Well, she'll be just like her aunts and momma then." Both women turned to the door to see Bobby and Tig standing there smiling. Bobby walked over and kissed Harmony on the cheek as Tig took the baby from Fawn. "How ya feeling, little momma?"

Harmony grinned at him as Tig and Fawn made faces at the baby. "I'm good but tired." She pointed at her sister. "I think someone else is tired too, although she won't admit it."

Fawn waved off her concern with a grin. "I'm fine right now. I'll go look for a hotel in a little while."

Bobby lifted a brow and shook his head. "Nah, I got somewhere for you to stay. Come on, I'll show you. You can come back later when you've had a nap."

With a sigh, Fawn got up and walked over to give Harmony a hug, giving Bobby a look. "You know, I've managed to take care of myself all these years. Amazing, isn't it?"

Bobby just chuckled and winked at her as Tig looked on with a frown on his face. "Yeah, I know you have, but now you got us to do that for you. Come on, sunshine. You're dead on your feet."

They walked out, passing Happy and Dawn in the hallway. After explaining to them where they were going, Fawn followed Bobby out of the hospital and across the parking lot. He got on his bike and waited for her to pull up behind him before roaring out onto the main drag. 

Fawn grinned to herself as she thought that the man hadn't changed much in all the years she'd been gone. Sure, he'd put on a few pounds, and he had a lot more gray showing in his long curls, but he could still talk her into doing anything he wanted with a wink and a smile. She was starting to show her age as well, gray starting to come through the honey blonde hair that she kept cut short. Their mother used to call her and Dawn two sides of the same coin, darkness, and light.

Where Dawn had always had black hair and exotic looks, Fawn had been blonde and blue-eyed, short in stature and prone to clumsiness. She had been a shy girl who had grown into a shy woman, usually preferring her own company to others. She, like Harmony, had read voraciously, but where Harmony had turned that into a career, Fawn had turned her love of food into one. Because of her diagnosis of diabetes, she couldn't eat all of the sugary sweets that she loved, so she went to work for a local bakery in Spokane, baking them for others.

She was pulled from her thoughts as Bobby pulled into the driveway of a small house. She pulled in beside him and got out of her car, frowning slightly. "Who's house is this?"

Bobby grinned as he took a set of keys out of his pocket. "Mine, sunshine. I bought it when Precious and I were still married. After she split, I just kept it." He unlocked the front door and stepped inside, moving over so she could come in before shutting the door. "I'm not here much so you'll probably have to buy some groceries, but there's cable and internet if you're into that kind of thing. I'll just grab some clothes and stay at the clubhouse."

Fawn shook her head as she followed him down a hallway to the bedroom. "Bobby, this is too much, really. I can stay at a hotel. I don't like the idea of putting you out of your own house."

Bobby shook his head and grinned at her. "Sweetheart, if I had an extra bed, I'd be staying here with you, but I don't. It's fine, really. I can crash in the dorms, especially now that Happy and Dawn are moving in together." He opened a drawer in the dresser and pulled out some clothes as he continued. "Just shove my stuff over and make room for yours." He motioned to the bed. "There's clean sheets on the bed and clean towels in the bathroom. Hopefully, you'll be pretty comfortable here." When Fawn still looked unsure, Bobby winked at her and touched her arm. "Fawn, relax." He leaned closer and chuckled. "Besides, I like the idea of you sleeping in my bed." His words got the desired effect of causing Fawn to blush furiously. He just chuckled harder and shook his head as they walked back down the hall to the kitchen. He opened a drawer and handed her a key. "Here is your key to the house. There's a garage door opener on the counter over here that you can use too." 

Fawn followed him back to the front door. "I really appreciate it Bobby, but if you decide that you'd rather be here than the clubhouse... "

He shook his head. "Not gonna happen. Consider this your home, sunshine. I'll probably see you later at the hospital. Get some rest, girl."

With that, he turned and walked to his bike and got on. Once he was out of sight, she shut the door and locked it. She leaned against it for a moment, grinning to herself as she shook her head. After all these years, she was finally in Bobby Munson's house, but he wasn't in it with her. She sighed at her own foolishness as she wandered back to the bedroom. 

She'd get her bags and bring them in later, but right now she just wanted a nap. She bit her lip and smirked as she walked over to the dresser and dug through the drawers until she came up with an old SAMCRO t-shirt that looked like it had seen better days. She quickly changed and got into bed, snuggling under the covers and drifting off with a smile on her face.

I Choose You (Part Three Of For The Love Of Charming)Where stories live. Discover now