Chapter Ten

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Tara moved Chibs' head so she could see his face better in the light. "I still don't understand how you ended up with a black eye at Fawn's store."

Happy just snickered and ran a hand over his face as Jax laughed out loud. Once he got himself under control, he pointed at Chibs and smirked. "Freddie clocked him one."

Tara drew back in surprise. "Freddie has never been anything but nice. What did you do?"

Happy cleared his throat and tried to be serious, but failed miserably. Tara didn't think she'd ever seen him this animated. "He tried to physically block her from getting to the roof of Dawn's shop. She sucker-punched him to get him down to her level then socked him one right in the eye. It was amazingly perfect."

Fawn walked past Chibs and patted him on the back before giving Happy a look. "Ok, lay off of him. His heart was in the right place. He just didn't know what he was up against."

Chibs nodded in agreement as he blew out a breath. "She's a firecracker, I tell ye."

Fawn laughed as she sat down in Bobby's lap. Everyone was sitting around the clubhouse, too lazy to go home and fix dinner, so Gemma had ordered pizzas and they were still waiting for them to be delivered. Juice grinned as he walked past Chibs with a beer in hand. "Nah, man, she's a fucking pipebomb, but that's cool. If you can't handle her, just let me know."

Chibs reached out and snagged Juice's arm before he could get far. He smiled and nodded. "Juicy boy, just try it and you'll find out why I have the nickname that I do."

Juice turned pale as he gave that some thought, making Happy laugh again. Gemma looked up at the security monitor and sighed. "Pizza's here." She smirked as she watched the driver get out of their Jeep. "Hey Chibs, wanna take this one?"

He looked up and grinned as he stood up quickly. "Aye, I got this, Gem."


The next afternoon, Fawn was looking over paint samples when Harmony came in the back door, pushing Max and Parker in the double stroller. "Hey, what's up?"

Harmony shook her head. "I don't know. Dawn said she wanted to talk to both of us and that she would meet me here." Harmony got Parker out and handed her to Fawn. "Here, have a kid."

She was getting Max out when Dawn came in the door, looking upset. Fawn frowned as she saw the state that her sister was in. "What's wrong with you?"

They both watched Dawn pace the floor for a few minutes before she turned to her sisters with tears in her eyes. "I'm pregnant."

Harmony and Fawn looked at each other before they turned back to Dawn, her twin speaking up. "Are those happy tears or scared tears?"

Dawn scoffed. "They're 'I don't know what the fuck I'm going to do' tears."

Harmony frowned. "Have you told Happy?"

Dawn shook her head. "Not yet. I wanted to talk to you two first. You're my sisters. You have to help me figure out what to do."

Fawn nodded. "Ok, don't you think he'll be happy about it?"

"He'll be over the moon. He wants a baby."

Harmony blew out a breath. "Do you?"

Dawn nodded as she wiped her eyes on her sleeve. "Yeah, but... I screwed Max up. What if I can't be a mother?"

Harmony shoved Max at Fawn and strode over to Dawn, taking her in her arms and rocking her back and forth. "You listen to me. You did the best you could for Max. Don't ever say that you screwed him up again, you hear me? You're going to be a wonderful mother, Dawnie. The woman you are now? You'll be awesome."

Fawn stood up and walked over to her sisters, butting herself and the two kids into the hug. When they pulled back, she grinned and handed Max to Dawn. "Well, I think we need to celebrate. As soon as Happy tells the club, Gemma will want to throw a party."


Later that night, as they sat watching tv, Fawn turned in Bobby's arms to look at him. "Do you want kids?"

Bobby looked at her in surprise, finally grinning. "Well, that came out of nowhere. Yeah, I suppose. I mean, I already have some, but I could do with a couple more. What about you?"

Fawn sighed, finally nodding. "Yeah, I think so. I mean, we're not getting any younger. My biological clock is gonna throw a spring soon."

Bobby laughed and stood up, clicking the tv off with the remote before holding a hand out to Fawn. "Well, then we best get started then, huh?"


The next day, Fawn was again looking through paint samples when Tig came walking in the back door of the shop. She chuckled and shook her head. "At this rate, I'm never going to get the paint picked out. What's up, dad?"

Tig sat down in the chair next to her and looked at her seriously. "You've been avoiding me, Fawn. We need to talk about why."

Fawn took a deep breath and nodded. "You're right, and I've been meaning to talk to you but with everything going on, I just didn't find the right time."

Tig nodded. "You always were my quiet one, Fawn. It was like pulling teeth to get anything out of you when you were little. What's going on?"

Fawn sighed, shaking her head. "I just have so much baggage left over from when you and mom split. You never came around, never sent for us to spend time with you, but now, you want to be dad and grandpa. I don't understand."

Tig slumped back in his chair and looked at her sadly. "Fawn, when me and your mom split, she wanted me to have nothing to do with you girls. Nothing. All she wanted from me was a check every month to help support you. At the time, I thought it was best, but... it took Harmony coming back into my life for me to realize that it wasn't. We missed out on so much time together, but baby girl, I'm trying really hard to make up for that. You just have to let me."

Fawn nodded, smiling a little. "I know, and I can be stubborn but I'm trying dad. You just have to give me time."

Tig smiled as he stood up and pulled her out of her chair and into a hug. "Time? Baby, I got nothing but time. I love you, Fawn."

Fawn squeezed him close and smiled against his chest. "I love you too, dad."


That's it for Bobby and Fawn's story, but like the others, they will continue on into the next one. Thanks for reading!

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