Carlos + Sports?

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I decided to watch Carlos practice because I thought it would be funny. Oh hey Gabriella, what are you doing here? Ben asked. Watching Carlos, it might be funny I said sucking on a blue raspberry sucker. Carlos was still getting ready.

What you said earlier, what do you mean? He said. I'm secretly nice, I have a heart and your the first one who knows. I knew he was shocked. Probably because I'm Gaston's Daughter. Okay. Carlos, we're gonna do some sprints. You ready? Ben said.

Carlos was yelling, Oh! Ah! No, wait! I saw him sprinting. Sweet! Ben said because he thought he was practicing. Carlos said, No! Ah! He was being chased by a dog. Carlos? Carlos! Ben said running behind me.

No, stop! Carlos said. Carlos! Ben and I said. Carlos said, Ben? Gabs? He said. Ben said, Whoa-Whoa-Whoa! Carlos said, Ben, help me! This thing is a killer! He's gonna chase me down and rip out my throat. This is a vicious, rabid pack animal!

Hey, who told you that? Said Ben. My mother. Carlos said. Cruella? Ben said. Carlos said, She's a dog expert. A dog yellerer. Why are you holding him? He's gonna attack you! Ben said, Carlos, you've never actually met a dog, have you? Of course not. He said.

Dude, meet Carlos. Carlos, this is dude. He's the campus mutt. Ben said. He doesn't look like a vicious, rabid pack animal. Jeez. You're a good boy, aren't you? You're a good boy. Carlos said. I guess you guys have it pretty rough on the island. Ben said looking between us.

Yeah. Let's just say we don't get a lot of belly rubs. Carlos said and Ben said, Good boy. I mean, you're a good runner. You're... you're fast, you know. Carlos said, Oh. Yeah. Thank you. Ben said, Yeah. Listen, I'm gonna give you guys some space, yeah? You guys get to know each other and just, you know, come find me when you're done, okay? Carlos said. Okay. I'll see you later guys later I said.

We were in Mal, Evie and I's dorm with all of us and Jane. Mom said, "If a boy can't see the beauty within", then he's not worth it." Can you believe it? What world does she live in? Jane said.

Auradon. Mal and I said. Mal, Gabby, do you like? Cute I said. Yeah. It's cute. It brings out your eyes. Mal said. I know. Evie said. Jane said, I'll never get a boyfriend. Boyfriends are overrated. I said. And how would you know, Gabs? You've never had one. Evie said.

It's 'cause I don't need one, E. They're a waste of time. I said. I forgot to do Chad's homework! Oh, no! Oh, no, no, no. Evie said. And that is exactly what I mean. I said. Hey, guys! I'm Lonnie. My mom's Mulan? No? Anyways, I love what you've done with Jane's hair. And I know you hate us, and, well, you're evil. But do you think you could do mine? Lonnie the girl said.

Why would I do that for you? Mal said. I'll pay you 50 dollars. Lonnie said. Evie said, Good answer. I need to buy more material. Let's see, I'm thinking, we lose the bangs, maybe some layers and some highlights. Lonnie said, Yeah, yeah. I want it cool. Like Mal's. Mal said, really? Evie said, The split ends, too?

Mal said, Okay... "Beware, forswear, replace the old with cool hair." Evie said, I know. I know. It looks like a mop on your head. You know what? Let's cut it off, layer it... Lonnie said, No, no, no, no, no, no! I love it. Evie said, You do? Lonnie said, It's just... Now I'm cool. I said, Like ice. Jane said, What did I just do? Mom's gonna kill me!

We were still in our door except Jane and Lonnie left. Carlos was here now and Jay came in saying, Yo-ho-ho! Hey! Carlos said. Did your plan work with Jane? Are you going over to see the wand? Jay said. Do you think that I would be going through every single spell in this book. If I hadn't completely struck out? Make said.

Oh, someone's in a bad mood. Jay said. My mom's counting on me! I can't let her down! Nap said and Jay said, We can do this... If we stick together. And we won't go back until we do. Because we're rotten... I said and we All finished and said, To the core.

Oh, yeah. I found out that fairy godmother blesses Ben with the wand at coronation and we all get to go. I have nothing to wear, of course. I heard a knock at the door. Evie looked at us, What? Hold that thought. I said.

Hey, Gabriella. I didn't see you guys today. I was just wondering If you had any questions or anything... That... you needed...He said and I said, Not that I know of. Okay. All right. Well, uh, If you need anything, just, uh... He said. Oh, wait! Um, is it true that we all get to go to your coronation? I said.

Yeah, the whole school goes. Ben said and I said, Wow. That is beyond exciting. Do you think that It's a possibility that the four of us could stand in the front row next to the Fairy Godmother, just so we could soak up all that goodness? Ben said, I wish you could. Up front It's just me, my folks, and my girlfriend. And your girlfriend? I said a bit jealous... DID I JUST SAY A BIT JEALOUS?

Yeah. I'm sorry. He said. Okay. Thanks, bye. I said and Ben said, Oh, but, no, there's plenty of... before I shut the door in his face. I think It's time that Bennyboo got himself a new girlfriend. And I need a love spell. I looked at Mal. She smirked. We can finally get the wand but I can make my dad proud by making me do something I really don't want to do.

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