Road to Friendship?

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Ryuuichi's PoV

Everything was fine just a few moments ago. Everything was almost perfect, like a fairytale with a happy ending. How did I let this happen to Kotarou?

I let Hayato drag me to his bike to take Kotarou at the nearest hospital. I silently prayed that my brother will be okay. I don't want to lose him. He is the only family I have left.

Ever since, mom and dad left the world no— Ever since mom and dad always leaves for their trip, I was always the only one left to take care of my brother. I unconciously leaned my head in the back of Hayato.

The bike halted to a stop and saw a small clinic up ahead.


Hayato yelled from outside then a nurse came rushing towards us.

I felt a hand in my shoulder, Hayato gestured me to give Kotarou to the nurse. I handed Kotarou carefully to the nurse. We went inside the clinic and I took a seat near the room where Kotarou is.

"He will be alright, Ryuu. Don't worry now that he's here he'll recover."

"It's been 2 years yet you're still the same."

I heard a faint murmur but maybe it was just my imagination. What happened two years ago was just a memory to me now. It was a bittersweet memory that I should've let go but I couldn't.

"Thank you so much, Hayato for helping my brother. I don't know what I'll do if something even worse happened."

It was kinda awkward that after all this time I will see him and will need his help. It doesn't matter after all this is just a coincidence. Yes, just a coincidence nothing more, nothing less. I haven't seen him in 2 years since we...

Fell apart.

I've always wonder how is he doing. Does he eat his meals three times a day? Does he still do that thing with his hands? Does he still sleep like a koala? I gave up on him a long time ago. It was hopeless for us to continue and seeing that there was no point.

I left.

Shrugging off the the thought, I focused my attention to Kotaro's condition. It's my fault for not paying attention to him. I shouldn't have left him alone all by himself.

I need to pay more attention to Kotaro because even though that he is trying to act tough he is still a kid.

I planned on getting a summer job for extra income and savings for Kotarou's future. I want him to experience what it's like to have parents. I know he will ask someday why doesn't he have parents or memories of our parents. I will have to tell him the truth someday.

I have to be strong, stronger than before.

I am sitting awkwardly beside Hayato who is hugging me while comforting me. Why would he hold me like this?

I thought he was disgusted of me. He said that he doesn't want to see me and that I should stay out of his sight. I wanted to ask him why did he do that to me... to us long time ago. I was about to ask him but the door suddenly opened and revealed the nurse that took Kotaro in earlier.

"Ah! There you are! Your little brother is looking for you. He woke up and started calling your name."

The nurse said while smiling at me. She said that Kotaro was crying. I shook my head and smiled.

The nurse cleared her throat. "Excuse me, I don't mean to be nosy and all, but is he your boyfriend?"

Who was she talking about?

I traced the direction of where her finger is pointing at. She was pointing at Hayato who was staring at her with a poker face. I felt my blood rushed to my face as soon as I realized who she was pointing.

"Ah n-no h-he's not my b-boyfriend. H-he helped me bring my l-little brother h-here, that's a-all." I can feel my face grew hot and my speech stuttered as I try to come up with an excuse.

I was trying to hide my flushed face when I heard Hayato answered for me instead. "He's not my boyfriend... not yet."

The nurse blushed while fanning herself. "Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry for interrupting your moment but your little brother misses you."

I was really embarrassed by Hayato's response. How could he say that? When we used to be together, he wasn't like that.

Maybe it was pity or was it a change of heart?

I wish it was the latter but I don't want to have high hopes. It is Kamitani Hayato, after all. The baseball star player back in middle school and was once my star too.

In my embarrassment, I hid my face in his chest. He smells like he just finished showering. He smells good, I can't stop, I miss him too much.

When I heard my little brother's cries, I composed myself to look okay in front of him. My little brother is crying, he must've felt lonely when he didn't see me when he woke up. He still have a long way to go.

I hurried inside the room and I saw my brother who was sitting on the bed. His cheeks were puff red and his eyes were watery.

My poor little brother looks like a mess. His hair is sticking out now. His clothes are all wet and dirty from tears and snot but I hugged him tightly until he calmed down and fell into deep sleep.

"You're still here."

I didn't notice the tears were flowing down my eyes. I didn't realized that I was already crying. Everything came crashing down. Suddenly, I felt two strong arms wrap from behind me.

"It's okay. Let it all out."

Hayato hugged me. He was comforting me because I was crying again. I removed myself from him when I felt that he was holding me for almost 10 minutes now. Kotaro fell asleep crying. I slowly tuck Kotaro in bed and carefully remove him from hugging me. I slipped right out of the bed.

Hayato came to me, "I have to going now. Mom must be getting worried where did I went to."

I'm thankful that he was there.

I nod my head in response. After all, I don't know what else to say to him. But I feel a familiar pang of pain in my chest. I don't want to lose him, I want to see him again for one last time.

I got distracted again but when I looked up he was about to leave the clinic. Without thinking, I grabbed his arm and my mind went blank. He looked at me with a confused look.

"Ah, thank you for helping me out. I really don't know how to repay you but I will repay you. Um, that's all!"

I can't believe I said that in front of him. I was rambling in front of him. Oh God. I made myself a fool. I can feel that my face is flushed right now.

"It's fine. It wasn't really a big deal."

Was it really okay though?

"Cheer up, okay? See you tomorrow!" With that, he left me in front of the clinic.

I went back to check on Kotarou. I feel tired and stressed out with everything that happened today. I can feel my fatigue throughout my body. I'll sleep in for a bit, just a little.

Two hours later, the Chairwoman came to the clinic with Mr. Saikawa. I woke up up as soon as the old woman was about to enter the room. I earned a lot of earful nagging from the woman but I didn't mind. She reminds me of mom when she and dad used to take care of me.

Kotaro was discharged immediately right after the Chairwoman came to the clinic. Mr. Saikawa prepared a lot of healthy meals when we got home.

As usual, the Chairwoman nagged Saikawa-san for preparing too much food. I laughed at the life I imagined if I'll get used here.

A life with Kotaro. Also with the Chairwoman, Mr. Saikawa and everyone in school.

"Kotaro, eat your vegetables. They're healthy and good for you. It will help you grow up." Ryuuichi received a small 'hn' from his brother who seems to be enjoying the food.


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