A Friend from the Past

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Chapter 7:

*3rd Person*

"Kamitani-kun, it's early in the morning and you're eating cold soba." Ryuuichi said while arranging the toys in the daycare.

Kamitani is sitting the floor and continued to munch on his cold soba, completely ignoring the other boy. He watched the boy bend down to grab the toys and books scattered on the floor. Ryuuichi has a nice butt and someone is enjoying the free show.

"Nii-chan, why are you looking at Ryuunii-chan's butt?"

Kirin, the ever loving and sweet heaven's innocent child ask what the heck is Hayato doing. She is a freaking (no cursing in front of the kids rule by Ryuuichi) kid, a brat in Hayato Kamitani's dictionary, who doesn't know anything at all. This caused the oblivious teen to blush from the embarrassment.

An awkward silence overtook the atmosphere of the daycare. The deafening silence was broken when the baby screamed in delight while pointing to the slightly opened doors.

A red head guy peeked through the daycare's doors. He looks like he is lost. Or maybe he wants to apply in the club or possibly, a pedophile who wants to take one of the kids in the daycare. Or maybe he wants to ask Ryuuichi on a date or something.

Kamitani didn't appreciate the last thought. He stood up and walk to the door. The guy stopped peeking through the daycare's doors. When the red head looked up, he met the infamous deathly glare of Hayato Kamitani.

"Who are you looking for?"

Hayato continued to glare coldly at the guy. The guy was roughly one or two inches shorter than him. The immense aura that Kamitani is emitting is quite... deadly. Like how one can supposedly commit a murder but can get away with it. Hayato simply stand in front of the door and then the kids started to cause a commotion.

"Gather everyone, there's a red dragon!" Taka, Hayato's little brother pointed at a certain redhead peeking by the door.

"Attack the rwed dragon!"

Takuma, one of the Mamizuka twins, let out a yell of battle cry and attacked the dragon. The little guy swung and charged at the dragon. Kazuma, his twin waddled helplessly crying, trying to help his brother. Kotarou had the detemined expression on his face while holding a small, plastic stick, charging with the other kids. The dragon who was standing behind the daycare's door hid and roared when Taka's sword came flying through the gaps and instantly hitting his head.

The kids rejoiced in victory for killing the dragon. The guy immediately stood up and about to grab one of the kids to teach them a lesson.

"You pesky brats—"

The guy was interrupted by a sudden swift of hands and twisted them to his back. "What do you think you're doing?"

"Kamitani-kun? What is happening ?"

Hayato looked at Ryuuichi and went back to glare intensely at the guy. "Nothing that should concern you."

Ryuuichi hated everytime Hayato excludes or does not tell him something that he wants to know. He knows that if he tries to pry Hayato, he will just be ignored the whole time. He sighed and went to the source of all the commotion in the daycare.


Kirin gently tugged Ryuuichi's pants to get his attention. "You know him, Ryuunii?"

"Kashima? Kashima Ryuuichi?"

Ryuuichi recognized the voice, he ran and tackled 'senpai'. It was a really, really long time since he last saw Inui Haruyuki. It was an unexpected meeting to see his senpai after a long time.

"How many times did I have to tell you not to call me senpai!" Inui rolled his eyes at the giggling teen. Ryuuichi stood up and regained composure to himself. Meanwhile, Inui leaned his hand against the wall to support himself. "I'm sorry, Inu-san! I didn't recognized you. It's been 4 years since we last saw each other."

                            tea time

Hayato didn't know what to say about the situation. The kids gathered around Inui, who was sitting comfortably. Too comfortable!

"Would you like to have some tea, Inu-san?"

Inui nodded his head, "What are you doing here in the daycare?"

Ryuuichi giggled. Yes he giggled which caused the other boy to get annoyed.

Hayato couldn't help but get jealous of whatever Ryuuichi and that guy has. They are too close for his liking. The fact that Inui is trying to be stupid so that he'll have Ryuuichi's attention to himself is getting to his nerves.

"Um... Oh! We have cookies here. Do you want some? It goes well with tea!"

Ryuuichi stood up and went to the other side of the room to get some cookies but he saw Hayato stuffing the little kids' mouth with the cookies.

"Chew the cookies before you swallow them, alright?"

"Anwiki! Water- ahh!" Taka screamed while his mouth was full of cookie chunks and crumbs on his face.

Midori, the small infant on the floor was holding a small chunk of wet cookie in her hands and waving them wildly in the air. "Cwokie mowr, Nii-chwa," Takuma kindly asked.

"Hayato! What are you doing?"

Hayato saw a fuming Ryuuichi with both hands in his waist. He ignored him and stuffed more cookies to Takuma's mouth.

"It seems like you are a little busy, Ryuuichi. I should leave now. I'm sorry for the intrusion maybe I should have visited my future daughter later."

Everyone stopped whatever they were doing when they heard this.

"Future daughter?"

It's Inomata's cookies lmao

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