The Nightmare Begins-

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At first you didn't even question how or why you were suddenly in an abandoned studio. You simply walked in, the somewhat familiar smell of blood and old markers filled your nose. You glanced around and saw posters lining the walls of the hallway you were standing in... wait. Hallway? You looked around as the door behind you slammed violently. You whipped around, your h/l h/c hair flipping. You tried your hardest to open the door. But it was sealed shut. You let out an annoyed sigh... who were you again?? Oh right, your Y/n Stein. Your father just died and your fathers friend, Joey, was no where to be seen... You sighed again, a wave of sadness rushed over you as you remembered your father. A single tear ran down your s/c cheek. Everything was blurry, your memories were jumbled. All you could recall was Joey's words. You wiped away your tears and straightened up. You guessed it was time to explore the old building, there was really nothing else to do...

Y/n point of view

I let out another sigh, "what am I even supposed to do?" I asked my self as I walked down the hallway. Immediately in front of me was a projector, which looked freakishly familiar. This whole place was bleak and brownish. There was literally no other color, "how creative." I huffed sarcastically. I walked forward and noticed the projector was on, but there were no tapes in it. How was this thing on? How long has it been since someone had been in this place? I thought to myself as I took note of the thick layers of dust and cobwebs along with the absurd amount of ink staining the place. I turned away from the projector and went down the hallway to my left. There I found myself in the art studio, I was amazed at all the art that was still laying around on the desks. It really was an old animation studio... I figured there was nothing important in that room and there was no where else on that side so I went ahead and took the other hallway. There was a sign; It said the break room, theater and ink machine were that way. "What the hell is an ink machine?" I asked myself in utter confusion. I shrugged and went down the hallways not really thinking about it again.

As I turned to walked down the other empty hallway I jumped as the writing in the wall became evident to me. 'Dreams Come True' was messily written on the wall. Joey said something like that.... I looked down at the small dream catcher in my hand. "What did you want from us...." I mumbled staring at the trinket. I looked back up and inched around the Bendy Cut outs, I don't know why... those unblinking things gave me the creeps.

The hallway was lined with doors, a part of me got extremely excited at this find, but every single door was locked. Who locked them, why on earth would you need to lock a door in an abandoned building? I sighed, and decided to not get my hopes up over some doors again. And with that I continued on my way.

For some strange reason the hallway had a garage door like thing, everything in this place was strange, as I walked forward some more the hallway stoped and turned. But A large pipe with a sign that read 'Watch Your Step!' blocked my way, I let out a sigh and climbed over the annoying thing and found myself at..... "What is this thing?" I asked no one. I was dumbfounded, there was a huge seemingly endless pit with large metal chains. Something compelled to put these power box things inside the small generator. Surprisingly... it worked and I could hear the mechanical buzzing, the switch next to me lit up with a faint yellow glow, as if it wanted me to interact with it. With a hint of curiosity I pulled the lever. The ground started to shake with a violent roar of the chains, they groaned as if it was carrying something extremely heavy.

"Holy shit." I mumbled to my self as a huge inky machine was raised out of the depths. Other aches and groans of the old building were heard, again an unknown feeling, or maybe a voice in my head told me there was more to do. That raising this thing from the depths of hell wasn't enough. The machine wasn't on... I needed to find a power source. With a huff I turned around and hopped over the obnoxious pipe. As I walked back down the 'hallway of locked doors' as I so cheekily named it, I noticed that the weirdly placed garage door was wide open.

"It's open... who the hell opened it?" I panicked being perfectly reasonable, that thing couldn't have opened on its own and the only reasonable explanation for its sudden opening was someone else was in the building.... probably watching me... I shuddered and peaked down the new hallway. It seemed just the same as all the other always in this bland, decrepit building. I straightened up and walked down the newly found hallway, praying to no one in particular that I wouldn't get hopelessly lost. The hallway didn't go on for long, actually there was a fork in the road. On my right was another useless cardboard cutout of the infamous 'Bendy', and to my left was... just another hallway. Picking the slightly more interesting path, I strolled down the right hallway. Not breaking eye contact with the freaky non-blinking cutout, I tripped on a chair I didn't see before. I groaned and held myself back from yelling at the chair, I dusted myself off and stood up, kicking the chair out of spite. With a bit of a limp I continued forward only to be scared shitless by a falling plank. With a loud and extremely girly scream I jumped back.

Once I realized what it was I started to laugh. I was scared by a measly loose board. I laughed again and shook my head, well when there's no one to laugh with to ease my pain, why not laugh at myself? With that put aside I continued forward only to find another fork in the road, on one side there was a room full of pedestals and the other.... "What in the-" I started until I realized it was a body. I rushed in, "who the hell did this?" I panicked, it was the wolf. Boris I think, he was on the posters on the walls. Whoever he was, no one deserved this... it was brutal, his body was gouged open with only black inky blood seeping out of it, a wrench was shoved in his hollow chest as if it was some sort of a sick joke to make up for his clearly missing vital organs. With a gag I glanced around the room, 'Who's laughing now?" Was crudely written on the wall in the same inky mess and was everywhere else, including Boris' corpse. I shuddered "not me." I spoke answering the writing. With a new sense of sadness, and an even newer sense of fear surging through my veins, I pushed forward back to the room with the weird pedestals. Noticing that each pedestal had a picture above it, maybe it needed an item, to correspond to the picture. Figuring that's what needed to be done I wakes back out, making sure to not look at the dead body down the other hall, I made my way back to the original fork and took the other path, well tried to make my way back, when I turned the corner... another Bendy cutout appeared out of thin air, scaring the shit out of me. I jumped and then kicked the cardboard monstrosity with a huff.

With a slight turn the other path revealed two locked doors and a table with... a tape recorder? It lit up with the same weird yellow glow as the lever did before... I pressed the play button on the old machine and a scratchy tape started playing...

The Voice Of Wally Franks
At this point I don't get what Joey's plan is for this company. The animations sure aren't being finished on time. And I certainty don't see why we need this machine. It's noisy, It's messy, and who needs that much Ink anyway?

Also, get this, Joey had each one of us donate something from our work station. We put them on these little pedestals in the break-room. To help appease the gods, Joey says. To keep things going.

I think he's lost his mind, but, hey. He writes the checks.

But I tell you what, if one more of these pipes burst. I'm outta here!

I was confused at first, his heavy accent added some humor along with that phrase 'I'm outta here!'. For some strange feeling I felt as if I'd be hearing a lot of that. But with this tape, I figured out a few things. Joey is probably the one behind all of this, that thing that I raised out of the depths of hell is most likely the ink machine (that Joey apparently made), and I was, in fact, correct about the whole 'one item for each pedestal' thing. With a smile a gave the tape recorder a little pat with a cheeky "see you later Wally!" Following after it. All the fear I had was washed away but a new sense of hope, but I knew deep down.... the night mare was only beginning.

Words: 1625
Date made: 1/15/19
Date edited: N/A

Authors note:
UwU thanks for reading guys!! If you got any feed back on the plot so far I'd love some help-

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