Not Dying Here

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//ÒwÓ I'm back?? And hopefully here to stay??//

I awoke with a gasp, my entire body ached, the room around me seemed to have once been flooded with ink. I groaned in pain as my head started throbbing, looking beside me I found a new set of clothes, they had no ink, clean and folded nicely. A few cans of bacon soup, a water bottle and a cloth. I stood up and decided to take up the offer of the newer clean clothes. It was strange outfit, something most people these days wouldn't  wear. It was a brown button down, a pair of black slacks and some suspenders. Which I was thankful for because the outfit was a good, three sizes too big. I took the water bottle and the cloth and gently cleaned off my face. With a sigh of relief I put the new clothes on. It was only then I realized the note. The handwriting was horrible and it looked sloppy. I could read it none the less,


All it said was sorry, was it the voice I heard? Where was that beast? Well either way I was thankful "Thank you!" I yelled out into nothingness, hoping that whoever gave this to me could hear. With a huff I decided to figure out how to get out of here. I obviously fell a long way, so climbing back up wasn't an option.

Walking out the only open door in the secluded room I found a stairwell. Going down. "Well great... because going deeper in the deep, dark, inky pits of hell is exactly what I want." All adding to the vibe was a 'danger keep out' sign. I took a deep breath, mentally preparing myself for what was to come. Ironically, before I could even get down one freaking step, I tripped on the over sized pant leg of my new outfit and fell down the entire flight of stairs. (Screaming the entire way of course) When I finally stopped tumbling down the overly creaky flight of stairs I landed on my butt with a loud groan. My hair was a mess, my entire body ached, and I'm pretty sure I hit my head several times. There were bleeding cuts on my knees, shins, hands, elbows and even one on my forehead. And it's not uncommon to know that even the smallest head wounds bleed a lot. Taking the cuff of the brown button down sleeve into one of my hands, I dabbed away the blood that was leaking down my face. I winced slightly when I touched to wound. It didn't seem life threatening, may need stitches but other than that I seemed fine. I stood up, now overly aware on how oversized the outfit was. Holding up my pants like a princess would her dress was not really what I wanted to do down here, and once more the only thing around me were bleak brown wooden boards for walls and ink. Ink everywhere, covering the walls, filling the loud and creaking pipes all around me, and even flowing under that door. Wait- "AHAH! A door!" I cheered almost childishly, shuffling my way to the door and thankfully it was unlocked.

I let out a large sigh of relief, my lungs aching as I did so. I basically waddled into the room. Again everything looked the same, which caused me to groan. "Could someone have picked a better Color scheme!?" I complained to myself, all this brown and black was hurting my head and was already boring. Glancing left and right the new room was small. Only a few shelves and some sort of desk thing, and the desk- for some odd reason- had a full blown axe on it! A killer smile snakes it's way onto my s/c face. The axe was clearly sharp as hell and heavy in my hands. It just seemed out of place, a (figuratively) small girl in this nightmarish den of ink, wielding an axe, very strange indeed. I plopped my aching body down on the floor, I was NOT going to stand these long pants any longer, so very carefully I used the sharp edge of the axe and cut the pant legs off. Once I decided I was well and done with the job I stood up, it went just above my knees. I smiled to myself and rested the axe on my shoulder. "Much better." I said triumphantly.

To my left there was a boarded off hallway, now equipped with a trusty axe, it was pretty easy to get through. A bit tiring and annoying when the heavy weapon/tool would get stuck in one of the planks instead of breaking it, causing me to use all my body weight to get it out (often resulting in falling over). "I've changed my mind- this isn't easy." I groaned out, finding myself on the floor once more, the axe almost taunting me from its place still stuck in the wooden board. I pushed myself back up, wrapping my ink stained hands around the rough handle of the axe, taking a deep breath I loosened my muscles before pulling as hard as I could, the wood breaking from the force and the axe (and me) went flying. "AAAH!" I screamed, but this time I didn't feel the cold hard floor beneath me, I didn't feel the harsh impact of the ground, I didn't hear the creaking echos, instead- I found myself being held up. Glancing up above me, to try and see what or even creepier- who- caught me. I found myself face to face with that thing from earlier. "Uuuhh-" I found myself utterly speechless, I was frozen with fear and confusion as the inky beast stared at me with ink covered eyes. The ink from the monsters face dropped down on me, causing me to shudder.

"Not Henry-" it spoke. Wait- this thing spoke? It sounded the same as the voice I heard earlier, the same scratchy and hoarse voice, but this time- it came directly from the thing holding me. Finally my body reacted,  I tried to squirm away but the thing just gripped me tighter, "Not Henry." It spoke again. "OF COURSE IM NOT HENRY!! LET ME GO!" I screamed thrashing trying to get away. The monster thing didn't respond, just sat me down gently. Gently? I scrambled away. "No hurt." It gurgled out. I was surprised to say the least, "Well I'm not very hurt-" I mumbled to the beast still scared shitless.

The beast moved closer to me, causing me to panic further and back up. It kept moving closer and closer and closer until I couldn't move back any farther. My back pressed against the cold wooden wall, I flinched at the feeling, panic and fear surging through my veins. No sarcastic comment or snarky comeback could get me out of this, I felt utterly defenseless. And I was, as the beast towered over me, thick black ink dripped off it's deformed body. My e/c orbs glossed over with slaty tears. This was the end- I clenched my eyes closed, I refused to look at it any longer, picturing a sunny day of laying in a field of flowers with my father. I wasn't going to let this ink monstrosity be the last thing I see before I die. A loud thump echoed through the room, opening my eyes- the beast was gone, the axe was on the floor by my feet and all the boards were shattered on the floor. The tears building in my eyes fell, my breath hitched in my throat. "Oh dear god-" I mumbled as I fell to my knees, "that was fucking terrifying." I gasped out as silent tears streamed from my burning eyes.

I sat there, the previous events running through my head. The axe still laying on the floor in front of me. Nothing could be heard in the building, only the aches and groans of the ink pipes and the creaks of wood. "I'm not going to die here." I stated as I pushed myself to my feet. Grabbing the heavy weapon tightly. "I'm going to get out, and I'm going to stop Joey." I said with a new found determination.

"I will set us free."

Words: 1389
Date created: 5/24/19
Date edited: N/A

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