The Man In The Walls

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Wally Franks, the man from the recording. He had a funny accent, and I couldn't help myself from laughing at the catch phrase 'I'm outta here!', but the strange man in the recording did give me some vital information. Information about the ink machine, and information about the items needed to fix it.

The items...

The Book- I found laying on a table in the oddly set up, downstairs break-room, titled "The Illusion Of Living"

The Toy- a cute little Bendy stuffed animal that gave a little 'squeak' if squeezed, I found it in a projector room, that which held some seemingly important valves... I'll keep that in mind.

The Ink- a small bottle of ink with a skull on the side, still had a brush in it! I found this in the art room, under a desk!

The Gear- a normal, but oversized bleakish brown heat I found in the room with the ink machine.

The Record Disk- this one was hard to find, I had to go around, trying to open all the doors until a small closet opened up and revealed a tiny jukebox playing a familiar tune.... the disk was under the desk.

The Wrench- I knew where it was.... and I don't want to talk about it.

I looked at the dead body on the once living wolf creature, feeling pity for it, but I also envied the creature. It was dead, no longer having to suffer through the chaos of this world, but then again. Maybe he was happy here.... with a lot of hesitance, I pulled the wrench out of the wolf's chest. Saying sorry as I did so. I gave the dead wolf a slight pat on the head and went back to the pedestal room, hoping to forget all about having to pull a tool out of a corpse's chest.

As I placed each item on its corresponding pedestal a light above it lit up until all six had spotlight on them. I honestly don't know what I was thinking, simply finding these objects wasn't going to turn on this stupid machine.... now there was a flashing light saying 'low pressure'. After a moment of thinking a recalled a seemingly important valve in one of the projector rooms, maybe that would make it work? With a newly found triumphant smile I jogged down the hallway. As I turned the corner a Bendy cut out popped out and made a weird noise, it made me jump if I'm being honest with myself. I slowly got ready to peak around the corner, that thing couldn't have done that by itself... someone moved it. Maybe it was the person who opened the weird garage door, and maybe it was the person who's responsible for that dead body. I edged around the corner getting ready to fight someone, not really ready to win of course, but fight none the less. I peaked around the corner, no one was there. That sent shivers down my spine. But what made me even more frightened was the writing in the wall. Writing that wasn't there before...

You're Not Henry

I almost screamed. Whoever was here knew my father. "WHOS THERE!! I KNOW SOMEONE IS HERE!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, at first there was nothing but the never ending eerie creaking of the building. But a voice called back, it was broken and hoarse, it whispered from all directions, "Get Out". I shivered in fear, but I was more angry now, "I WOULD IF I COULD!" I hollered back. The voice didn't respond, the building was quiet again. "Gee, thanks for nothing eerie voice." I mumbled, still shaken up a bit. I continued my way into the projector room, the projector turned on abruptly. A small recording of Bendy whistling a sweet tune played, but the longer I watched it. It became corrupt. Bendy's tune stoped, he seemed to look directly at me, I stared back at the recording in confusion. His smile, It dropped, his unblinking eyes gained a look of fear. I grew concerned, what the hell is going on? The animation looked at me, pleading. His face started to melt as the projector flickered violently. All that happened before the projector broke was Bendy letting out a pained scream, in the same voice from before, he called for help.... but no one came.

My eyes watered, that was horrifying. Whoever made that had a sick sense of humor. I walked in and turned the valve to adjust the pressure. My mind still stuck on the happenings from before. First, some strange being scares me, tells me I'm not my dad, then tells me to leave, then they show me some sick and twisted tape? How was he doing this, and then disappearing? Maybe he lived in the walls..... I shook my head a decided to focus on the task at hand. I continued to turn the valve.

Ink starts to flow endlessly out of the pipes in the room, I was starting to grow a hatred towards the black substance. My hoodie was now stained black as I stepped through the inky waterfall. "Can I finally turn on that machine?" I asked myself wandering towards it, a sense of hope filled my veins and a smile washed over my, now, ink stained face. I basically skipped down the hallway, I jumped over the annoying pipes like hurdles until I was there. Some one had boarded up the machine... my smile fell, "hello?" I called out. No one was there, I took a step forward... a large inky mass sprung out and reached for me, I screamed. I screamed and ran. I ran faster than I ever had before. The walls were now covered in ink, the building was flooding, I was panicking. The creature broke the boards and chased after me. I cried, I was terrified. I turned the corner to run towards the exit. The door was open, I could see the light of day outside. A hopeful smile found its way to my face, when the creature caught up with me, I screamed and ran towards the door. The creature reached out for me. It grabbed my hood, it's gurgled, almost like it was trying to speak. I ripped off my hoodie and took another step, but the floor beneath me crumbled and I fell. I fell into darkness.....

Words: 1066
Date made: 1/19/19
Date edited: n/a

Authors note: HIII!!! Sorry this chapter is pretty short.... the next one will be much longer I promise!!

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