Chapter Seven

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There was candeles all around the beach and a blanket with a picknic basket it was just wow..

i turned to him and he was looking at me nervous and asked"do you like it?"and scratched the back of his nick and god he was hot when he do that okay focus ocean answer him so i said "i love it"and smiled he smlied and grabe my hand and we sat there we watched the sunset i turned to him and asked"is this why you wanted me to be ready right after school to watch the sunset" he looked at me and said"yes i mean its more romantic " i looked at him then leaned till i put my head on his shoulder and said"thanks cody longo its the best date ever " he looked at me and said "wait no one bring to a beach date before " i smiled and said " nah all of them thought think im rich i hate simple dates so all of them took me to fancy resturants and let me tell i HATE it" he smiled and and said   "glad you dont hate " we starred at eachother for awhile till i grabed the basket and then we started eating we decieded to walk for awhile and while we were walking we played 21 question cody started "well princess if you have to choose between salad and big mac what well you choose?" i starred at him like he grown two head and said"Of course big mac are you crazy" he looked shocked but smiled and said "ocean walters will you marry me  ?"i starred at him and said "Hahaha very funny" he smiled and leaned closer to my ear and said"now its a joke  but one day i will ask you the same thing and you will say yes miss walters"i blushed and he smirked we walked alittle till i stoped  to watch the ocean when i tur ed around i saw cody on one knee i starred at him and he said "dont worry im not asking you to marry me... "i took a deeb breath and he said"...yet"i raise an eyebrow and.he coninued"Ocean walters sincd the day we met i couldnt take you outta my head i like evreythi g you do so princess will you be my girlfriend"i was thinking its a dream but no hes here asking me to be his girlfrend"yes yes cody i will be your girlfriend" he smiled and pulled a box fron his pocket and opened it was beautiful heart nicklace and there was his name  from  behind CL he put on me and said"you like it girlfriend" i laughed and said" i love it boyfriend" and kissed him on the cheek.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2014 ⏰

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