Chapter 2 (part 1)

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We later found writing on a rock and discussed about it

There wasn't much to discuss since we didn't know what it was saying

So we ended up just going back to our room later

People were despairing already after Akamatsu's death

Since I couldn't feel a thing all I could do was watch them cry

Saihara: w-why aren't you crying L/N-San?  Wasn't Akamatsu-San your friend?

"Yes, but I don't feel sad"

Saihara: don't feel sad?  Like you didn't care about her death?!

"No, it's just that I can't feel emotions"

Once again I leave and enter my lab

I go to my computer and start researching and entering data into the computer 

I look at the death scene i made on the computer one more time

How strange...

Akamatsu must have had some insane amount of luck for her plan to work....

I hear someone knock on my door and I turn off the computer and get up

"Come in"

Kiibo enters my lab

It's suprising the way how a robot can be sentimental

Kiibo: ....

"So you are sad about her death still?  You need to move on otherwise you will be left behind"

Kiibo: yeah....that's true but that's difficult

"Since when was moving on difficult—"

I hear a sound come from my computer then turn it on to see a video sent to me

What is this?

I click the video to see a girl crying

???: you monster!  How could you let him die!?

I heard my voice being projected from the computer

Y/N: I told you that him surviving isn't going to be high

???: but you could have tried harder!  If only I had chosen a different person to treat him then he wouldn't have died!

Y/N: "if only if only".  Well no doctor could have saved him anyways.  I'm sorry that he died and that I tried my best to save him if you are going to complain like that

The girl slaps the me on the computer

???: how dare you!

The screen makes static sounds and becomes black

I stare at the screen

Who was that?  Surely some made up story since there was no way I could have been a doctor

"What bulls*** this video is"

I turn off the computer and face Kiibo

"I will take my leave"

I exit the lab and go to my room

What a pain

Kiibo: Wait

Kiibo grabs my arm

Kiibo: what was that?

"Like I said, it's bullsh*** because I don't remeber this happening"

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