Chapter 2 (part 2)

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Obviously he has a question

Probably about the memories

Kiibo: hey L/N-San... what is the ultimate hunt?

"Why are you asking me?"

Kiibo: seems like only you and Amami-Kun are the only ones who remembers what the ultimate hunt is...

"True, but I don't know that much. Unlike everyone else I remember that the Ultimate Hunt was a hunt made by reserve course students who decided to hunt us down due to our talents. All us students with ultimate talents, ended up erasing our memories about our talents so we could escape the Ultimate Hunt is all I know for know for now"

Well I didn't erase my memories but that's besides the point

Kiibo: I see...

He looks like he's in deep thought

"Well, it's unfortunate that no one else remembers right now"

I sit on my bed

Kiibo: I agree, otherwise this probably would've been much easier for all of us

"Maybe I could go to my lab later and see if I'll be able to research more about this Ultimate Hunt later..."

Perhaps I could also research more about Amani

He was the first one to bring up the topic after all

Kiibo: very well, I'll see you tomorrow then

"Yeah, see you tomorrow Kiibo-Kun"

Kiibo leaves and I sit on my bed, plug in my charger and put the charger in my mouth to refill my batteries

The next day

I didn't need to eat breakfast so I went straight to my lab, scanned my hand and started to research again

The information was all corrupted and wasn't legible enough to read

I doubt that a human could read this since I have the capability to read and write like a normal human

Yeesh, this will be a pain

I continue going through files and etc to find a strange video and a document labeled 'golfer.pdj'

The video was about the world ending due to multiple meteorites crashing into the earth, due to this every leader that the earth's destruction is unavoidable at this point and created the golfer project

The document 'golfer.pdj' went into more details about the project

'The project was to select a number of excellent human beings, put them on a spaceship, and have them escape from Earth before it was destroyed. Then they would seek out some planet where life was sustainable and from there, work to "preserve the species of mankind". In other words, the Gofer Project was never a project to save all of humanity, it was a project to preserve the last vestiges of the human race to the very end. And the ones selected for that Gofer Project were sixteen young, talented, upstanding high school students.'

(I copied this part from
Also using this website to make things easier for me while writing this)

Hm....sounds like us....I need to go into more depth about this 'golfer project'

I take a screenshot and make it password protected

I was about to continue researching but all of a sudden I blacked out

I woke up again later to see that the information I was reading was gone

I couldn't find it and tried to hack into the system again but it didn't let me in

Along with the screenshot I took, it was gone, deleted forever

Damn it

It was such good information too

But who pressed my button though?

Because that's the only way to have me black out...

I look around and there was no traces of someone else being here but me

I sigh and finally decide to leave my lab

I walk around seeing if there is anything I could find that would be useful for me

I couldn't find it andin the end spent sometime with Kiibo again

After I went to my room then charged for the rest of the night as my button was pushed again by someone

Later I woke up from the sound of the 8AM announcements

They just greeted and talked about some nonsense then I looked at the strange 'kubs pad' according to the back

What the heck is this anyways?

I touched the screen then the device lit up and started to play a video

The video was a motive video and about who's the most important person in your life

I watched the video and...oddly enough it was about myself?  Huh, I guess they really wanted me to commit a murder

Monokuma(in the video): Y/N L/N the Ultimate Android with the fake talent 'the ultimate hacker'! Thanks to her creator, she was born with exceptional talents that she was capable of doing! Surprise! We managed to get a exclusive interview with Professor Idabashi!  He loves her and Kiibo very much and wishes them to be safe and sound and possibly return back!  But don't only take my word for this!  Hear it straight from the creator himself!

My eyes stay focused on the screen as Professor Idabashi appears on the screen talking

He talks about his hopes for us, his wishes for us, and his will

Monokuma: will L/N be able to fufull her creator's wish?

Then Monokuma talks about a unfortunate accident that happened to the creator, he appears on the screen keeping the accident a secret as I sit there, wondering why this was here

I guess the others have their motive videos as well

I get up and leave my room so I could talk to the others about this new motive

I go to the dining hall and wait as everyone else gathers in the dining hall....except Momota

Everyone talked about how they got a motive video

Momota came in later with Kiibo and also talked about the motive video

He however, talked about how we should *not* talk about it

Harukawa says that she ignored it

Soon everyone argued about whether we should exchange the videos or not

At the end of the day, we all agreed to not show each other our motive videos


The nighttime announcements rang and I decided to leave my room

I wanted to research more about the Golfer Project but I saw many people out of their rooms talking with each other...

I got confused when I saw Momota and Saihara doing push ups together

I decided to talk with them and helped Saihara feel better with Momota

He did a pretty good job on helping Saihara feel better

Then all of a sudden suggested that I trained with them

I was about to refuse but Momota just agreed himself then ended up making me train with them for the rest of the night

I went back into my room and charged again as I close my eyes and wait for morning

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