I, a humble reader, present to you some guidance and advice for writing and writing well. I freely admit that, while I dabble in writing, I could hardly call myself a writer. Your craft of writing is incredibly impressive to me and it is my greatest desire to assist you magical folk in your creation of worlds and works of art. With any luck (and quite a bit of time) perhaps I will write something too. However, I find myself engaged and often reserching craft instead of actually writing (which is, indeed a flaw). This piece is, if anything, meant for me. Maybe I'll have researched and compiled so much information eventually that I'll have nothing left to do but write. Regardless, hopefully you find these discussions spun for myself and you writers to be of some use.
If you happen to be seeking advice on something particular, allow me to walk through the genres of curated and created discussions here in this "story" as Wattpad calls it. There are to be several: Advice, Story, Character, World, Genre, and Example. These should all be relatively self-explanatory, but elaboration is key to comprehensive learning.
General. This section is a catch-all for things that fall outside of specificity. Formatting basics will generally go here, but also bigger ideas like the mentality of a writer and whether or not cussing is acceptable in writing.
Story. Plot, predictably, is one of the first discussions here, but it is hardly the only discussable topic. So, so many things go into making a story. One should never neglect structure, but that doesn't mean that considering other elements isn't important.
Character. As much as there is nothing worse than a flat character, there is nothing more sweet and satisfying than a well-rounded and developed character. Let's see if we can make the magic happen, aye?
World (pending). The epic scale endeavor of world building should not go unaided. Hopefully I have something in my arsenal to aid you in the battle to come, brave writer. Beginning with World Bibles and things to consider when building, there might be no end of things to discuss.
Genre (pending). Occasionally a larger discussion is called for. There are rules that do not apply in certain genres. There are rules that only apply to certain genres. There are genres that should really require new rules. There are genres without any rules (well, just poetry). Genre applies to collective groups of alike pieces of literature and a similarly marketable group of books, but we'll consider it a more fluid thing here on this strange platform.
Writer's Block. Dealing with writer's block can be a pain. I certainly understand. There are tricks for dealing with it and preventative steps you can take. Really, it's about focus and commitment. You can do this.
Example. Expect some tea to be spilled and some ranting to occur. There are things that elevate themselves above their competition to a new level, something to aspire to. There are things that lower the intelligence of anyone who comes into contact with them, something to learn from and avoid. We will likely discuss both. Often these things will be movies, shows, and the often horrific book-to-movie "adaptations." Be aware that discussions will most definitely contain spoilers, so avoid these sections if you haven't seen/read the thing specified and still wish to see/read it yourself.
If you happen to find that something of import is missing or simply have a request, feel free to let me know either here or close to the relevant section. Also, there are certainly divisive topics that may be mentioned, so please refrain from arguing with (or insulting) another writer if they don't see the way you or I do. This website has far too much vitriol and bile when it needs constructive (perhaps a little harsh) criticism and support.
You should know that there are aspects of writing that simply cannot be explained. "Though this be madness, there is a method in it," to rephrase Shakespeare a little. Writing is a crazy, hard thing that few people grasp easily and most of what can be taught are methods, not madness. Sadly, a not insignificant portion of writing is learning by doing or getting lucky enough to have it come naturally to you. If you happen to be struggling, seek out help as much as you feel you need but the act of writing and editing will teach you the most. Beta readers (or free editors) and the self-editing process will help you grow further. Don't be too attached to the first couple of projects if you struggle. If someone takes the time to read your work, their harsh love should still be heard regardless of how savage or strange it might sound. Be open and willing to learn. You'll get there. Not every piece needs to be your magnum opus. Just write with purpose and passion, for in those things there is possibility.
Happy writing,
Writing Tips & Guidance
RandomAs a strange god once said, writing is hard. It feels like there are near limitless aspects to consider during the writing process. With any luck, you should find answers to questions and learn new things in this collection of discussions. Feel free...