Roxanne (last name unknown)- was a descendent of a Phoenix was kicked out of her house when she somehow set something on fire at the age of three she then was put in an orphanage that was made for kids like her. But unlike the kids there she was nev...
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Roxanne's P.O.V Mommy and daddy were fighting again. They always were fighting. It was all because of me. They were fighting because I didn't look anything like them. Mommy had this hair color that was called brown and her eyes were a brown. They were the shade of this thing I loved called chocolate! I always loved to look into my mommy's eyes. They were beautiful. Daddy had black hair. It suited him and his personality. His eyes were a ugly shade of brown they looked black. I hated him all of my life. But they were always fighting because I'm something called a ginger, I had this reddish hair. It was like red and orange mixed together I loved my hair. It had a slight curl and then I also love my eyes. They were this shade of blue like the ocean I believe mommy called it. And I had a feature that everyone called cute. These brown dots all over my face called freckles or something like that. I watched as the fight got worse and worse. I was scared of the fight but I knew it should end soon. This happened all the time. Daddy normally left and when he came back he acted really funny. And mommy would always drink this thing that I wasn't allowed to have because it was made for only mommy's and daddy's can have. And she then started to act weird. But this time it was different and I felt myself worry more and more. And I then felt the thing I was holding get really hot. But it wasn't too hot. The soon it got hotter and hotter. But I ignored it because I wanted to watch and make sure mommy was ok. Soon I smelt something off. Looking at my hand I saw something I thought I wouldn't see. My hand was on fire. I screamed and pain soon started to make my hand tingle more and more. And it smelled so bad mommy and daddy heard my screams of pain and fear and they ended up running to me. The wall was also on fire. But my hand was burning more and more by the second. Mommy and daddy didn't do anything they just stared at me. Soon there was relief to my hand and arm. I could still feel that pain in my hand but it felt better then when it was burning. Big tears fell down my face as I tried to clam down about my burns. Mommy looked at daddy and said "dear I should of listened to you. This child needs to go." Those words made my heart sink. I looked at her with wide eyes and asked "mommy? Why?" She looked at me and then she gave me a necklace it had a golden bird on it. That had its wings spread but only slightly so it still had the bend. Around the bird were small gems and these carved metal strands that looked woven together. She clipped it around my neck and said "Roxanne. This necklace was given to my by my great grandma. Keep it safe my baby girl." "Mommy what do you mean?" She sighed and she then picked me up along with my backpack that was meant for the camping trip next week. And then she opened the door. I looked up at her and she tossed my backpack and then she tossed me. Landing on the ground my legs got scraped up. She then said "don't even try to come back you little brat." My legs hurt yes but not as much as my hand. I got up from the ground and I saw my little pink backpack. I picked it up and I started to walk off. I didn't know where. But I just walked. I didn't understand why mommy threw me like that. I mean I didn't even do anything! I swear. Soon I came across a building that had police cars. I knew they would help me they did in every show! Walking up to the door I tried to reach the door but I couldn't reach. Pouting I then saw a man dressed like a police man walk up to the door from inside and open it. He looked down at me confused and he then asked "hey there. Why are you here?" I knew I could trust him. I then said "well, my mommy and daddy kicked me out. Well, mommy threw me out he door. And told me to never come back." He looked at me confused and he then asked "why would your mommy do that?" "Because I don't look like my mommy or my daddy. Mommy had brown hair and daddy has black hair! I have this red hair! Mommy has these beautiful eyes that look like my favorite food chocolate! Daddy has these ugly black looking eyes." He then looked at my hand and gasped "can I ask what happened to you hand sweetheart?" I looked at my hand and I then said "I don't know my hand just suddenly caught fire and mommy and daddy didn't do anything. Until I think mommy tossed water on my hand." He picked me up and he then said "how about we go and make that hand feel better!" I nodded and he brought me to a police car. He set me in the back and buckled me. He then started to drive. I was so excited about this. Even though I was thrown out I get to ride in a police car! I gasped and then asked "mister! Can you put the sirens on!" He chuckled and said "of course little lady!" He pressed something and then there was a loud noise. Giggling I was happy the whole ride to a huge building. A hospital I think it is called. I don't know for sure though. I only knew we were there when he turned off the sirens. He helped me get out and he picked me up and brought me into the building. Into a side that said "E.R." I had also read it I then asked him "what does E.R stand for?" He chuckled and said "it stands for Emergency room. We are here to make you hand feel better." Nodding I then started thinking of a question to ask him. I then asked "what is your name mister?" He smiled and said "oh, my name is James Thompson. What's yours little lady?" "Roxanne Kadrix." When we got to the front desk the woman saw my hand and she gasped. She then picked up a phone and said "we need a doctor immediately in the E.R." There was panic in her voice that made me want to start panicking. But Mr. James then said "don't worry, your going to be ok little lady." Soon there were around two doctors around us. That's when I finally looked at my hand and arm. I started to feel light headed because it was charred. It was black and red. I could see blood on it. I freaked out of course. I didn't look at it till now. Mr. James said "hey Roxanne. I need you to calm down sweetheart. Your going to be fine. Ok?" Nodding he then said "ok. Now if you get through this like a brave girl I know you are I will get you ice cream." I instantly nodded. He could tell I was going to be ready for the worse. As we walked to this room area I could tell there were other people. They seemed to look ok but they also looked sick. I could tell they weren't ok. But when they saw my hand they had sympathy. I looked at the doctor that stayed with us and I then read her name tag out loud "Judy Thompson. Wait are you by chance related to Mr. James?" She laughed at my curiosity and said "well not really but we are married." Married? Isn't that what mommy and daddy were? I then asked "so you two love each other?" She nodded and I then said "really! I have a question! Do you two fight all the time?" She shook her head and said "no. Not really. Why?" "Oh I thought all mommy's and daddy's fight." She shook her head and said "nope. We don't fight as much but we still do fight." We then got to a room. It was a room with monkeys, birds, and giraffes! I was set on the bed in there and Dr. Judy said "ok. So what's your name sweetie!" "Roxanne Kadrix!" "Do you know your birthday?" "July 22!" "Really that's close to my son's birthday, now what is your age?" "I am three years old." Nodding she then said "now how about I make your hand feel better?" Nodding she pulled out a lot of this stuff. And then a needle. I knew she was trying to help but needles really scare me. So I backed up a bit. She looked at me and she said "oh, don't worry, I promise this will make you not feel what I'm doing next ok?" Nodding I tried to sit still. She then said "this will be a quick stick, sting, and a burn. Ok?" Nodding I felt the stick, it hurt a lot but I sat still. The stinging and burning went quick. I then asked "is it over?" "Yes it is little lady." Mr. James has said. I sighed and I sat still for a while as she was pouring and wrapping my hand and arm. It was nothing compared to getting the burn. She then said "There we go sweetie. All done. And for being so good here hand a lollipop!" She held out my favorite flavor lollipop a bubblegum dum dum. Smiling I grabbed it and said "thank you Dr. Judy." She patted my head and said "your welcome Roxanne." Mr. James picked me up and said "well it looks like I owe you some ice cream." I nodded and he then walked up to dr. Judy and then kissed her forehead. Then said "I will see you tonight love." She smiled and said "yeah I'll see you James." He walked out with me and when we got to the car he put me in the back and buckled me up. He then got up front and drove me to this place called 'cold stone creamery.' He got me an ice cream that was big it was almost too big for me to finish! But I finished it of course! But sadly the day was done and I was soon brought somewhere. Mr. James said it was a safe place and it was for kids like me! I hope I make friends. When we got there I was instantly welcomed there. There was a lady with these wings and a tail. She looked at me and said "oh! What a sweet heart. What's your name?" "Roxanne!" She smiled and Mr. James said "Roxanne you can trust her. I'm going to leave you here with her ok? I will visit you tomorrow." I nodded and he set me down and handed me my little pink bag and left. And from that day on I heard no more fights between mommy and daddy, from that day on I was never made fun of. And from that day on I was loved by everyone who knew me. I felt happy but sad, crowed but lonely. Loved but hated. I knew this was one of the places I will stay for a while. But I also knew it was one of the safest places. Otherwise Mr. James wouldn't have left me here. And he would of taken me instead. I knew he trusted this woman to take care of kids like me. And I knew I could trust her as well. Ok so I guess I started another story. I know but I couldn't help it I got this idea and I needed to write. My other story I have writers block on and I then have artist block on my art book. So I made another story.... also this is He necklace I felt I didn't give it justice.
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