Roxanne (last name unknown)- was a descendent of a Phoenix was kicked out of her house when she somehow set something on fire at the age of three she then was put in an orphanage that was made for kids like her. But unlike the kids there she was nev...
Ok so I wanted to put a part with Kendrick in it sooner so this is a part is for him yeah. And that kid up there is adorable.
Kendrick P.O.V (4) I was in daycare again. My mama and papa were out at work again. I was just sitting there in the daycare. They told me that mama and papa needed to work for us to keep our home and have food. And unlike other kids there I actually knew why I was here and that my mama and papa would pick me up. But I had my doubts at first. But today was different. It was taking longer then normal for papa to come and pick me up. I was angry because I missed mama and papa. And for some reason my back got colder and colder. It started to hurt more and more. I fell to the ground and I started to scream. It felt so cold it was burning. I heard other kids screaming and the adults trying to call my mama and papa. But they ended up calling 911. I felt something get thrown on me. Whimpering I then heard "Kendrick sweetheart. Someone is coming just stay awake!" I wanted to cry. But I didn't want the other kids to think of me as weak. So I held the tears in. I was always call crybaby. But I didn't want to be called it anymore. The adults were trying to comfort me as my skin was freezing off. They were also trying to keep me warm. But I could feel the pain still. It was still so cold. I didn't like the feeling of this. Not one bit. My skin was burning yet it was so cold. My whole body was cold. And I didn't know what to do. I tried to keep myself warm yet it wasn't working. I soon felt myself get picked up. And held. Looking at the person who dared to touch me it was a adult that watched me. She was the only one I trusted enough to actually touch me. I soon felt warmth touch my skin. The cold from before was gone. All of it there was no more burning but it was still so painful. Just laying on her chest I was wishing for mama and papa to just randomly come in and take me but instead of that I heard sirens. Just like papa's car. But different. They were getting closer and closer. And my back was hurting more and more. I could tell there was blood on the blanket and my back. The pain finally got to me and I cried and hiccuped. I just wanted mama and papa. I wanted them to protect me. Soon the door opened and I heard something being rolled my way. It was a moving bed. I was confused yet very interested by it. Soon I was placed on the bed on my stomach to keep my back from getting hurt anymore. Then the two men started to roll me to the ambulance. I was in too much pain to care about the ride there I just wanted it to end. But the pain didn't stop. I felt the blanket get lifted from my back and there was a gasp. I was freaking out. But then something touched my skin. Flinching from the pain I felt more tears in my eyes. They seemed to have sympathy in their eyes as they seemed to know what I was going through. Then one said "can you tell me you name?" "K-Kendrick." "Ok Kendrick. We are going to try to do everything to help you. Once we get you out of here and into the hospital." Nodding I felt the bed move again. This time out of the ambulance. It was the part that may have freaked the most people out. Seeing a little kid on a moving bed going into the hospital. Maybe I'll see mama. That was something that kept my hopes up. And as I was wheeled into a room that had a sign that spelt out 'T R U A M A B A Y' I saw someone with a needle and a bag. It looked like there was water in the bag. Confused I just sat there and let them poke me with the needle. I knew they were going to make me feel better. Mama said I could trust the people here. Soon I watched mama come in. She was here. She gasped and said "Kenny? What happened?" I started to cry again and said "mama it hurts! I was just sitting in the playroom and then my back started to feel cold and then start to burn." She looked at the others and said "this is not normal I had two of these cases today it is normally one." They we're confused and she then said "sweetie we are going to make you sleep ok, so you don't feel it when we fix you up." I knew mama would fix me. So I nodded and she then nodded to another man and he put something into the tube the needle and bag were connected by and I suddenly started to feel sleepy. Closing my eyes I soon fell asleep. But that sleeping didn't last long for me next thing I know I woke up but I was in a different room all I know was that I felt like I was only sleeping for a few seconds. But mama was right my back feels better. Sitting up I looked around and saw papa asleep in a chair. Gasping I then yelled "papa!" He seemed to be scared at first and he looked at me and then said "Kendrick! Oh thank god. Your ok." I nodded and said "papa where is mama? She was just talking to me a few seconds ago before I fell asleep." He chuckled and said "oh little man you were out for a few hours. She should be back any minute now." Confused I tilted my head and I then asked "but I just closed my eyes. And then opened them." He shook his head and said "so you want mama then? Here she comes." Turning around I saw her. I then yelled "Mama!" She walked in fully and said "there my brave baby boy. How you doing sweetheart?" "My back feels better mama thank you for fixing it!" She chuckled and sat next to papa and said "well I am you mom after all I need to protect you." Nodding I then said "all mamas and papas do that." She looked at me sadly and said "not all do, after all some have troubles but then they do get mamas and papas that love them." I tilted my head confused and I then asked "but why don't people protect their kids?" "Well Kendrick, some mamas and papas don't protect them because they don't like them. Like this little girl I treated earlier today, Roxanne was it, her mama and papa kicked her out." Pouting I then said "well her mama and papa are mean. She probably didn't do anything." Mama smiled and then patted my head. She then said "yeah. She didn't deserve it. She seemed so nice for her age." I smiled and asked "what's her age?" "Three." "Oh can I play with her one day?" She looked at papa and then said "maybe one day." I smiled and mama then said "Kendrick sweetie, when you get older promise us you won't be like that girl's mama and papa." I nodded and said "I promise not to be mean to my babies when I am older." A week later Papa was bringing me along with him today. He said he wanted to introduce me to the girl. Oh and I just learned what the word introduce means. It means to say hi to someone. It was a cool word. So when we got to this big building we walked in and I saw Ms. Ruby. She was standing next to a girl that looked my age if not younger that had her arm wrapped up. I smiled at her back then said "hi there!" She looked at me with her blue eyes and she then waved back and said "hello!" I saw Ms. Ruby moving away from her and I then asked "what's your name?" "Roxanne, what's yours?" "Kendrick. Do you want to go play?" Her eyes widen and she then nodded. She seemed very happy that someone asked her to play. I walked up to her and grabbed her unwrapped hand and then pulled her along. When we got to a different room o then asked "Roxy what happened to your hand?" She looked at it and then said "oh! It one day caught fire and my mommy and daddy didn't put it out fast enough." I looked at her hand and I then said "hey my back was frozen! And I have the same thing wanna see?" Nodding she seemed to be excited. I slowly took off my shirt I made sure that the, from what I heard from mama, bandages didn't unwrap. She looked at the bandages and asked "does it still hurt like mine does?" I nodded and said "yeah but I didn't cry that much when it happened!" She gasped and said "oh must be so strong!" I smiled and said "yeah but it did hurt a lot." She nodded at what I said and she then pointed to her hand and said "so did this! And it only stopped when mommy splashed water on it. And it took them a while." Looking at her I kind of looked up to her slightly she was like me and she even didn't make fun of me when I said I cried. I smiled at her "you know what I like you! You didn't make fun of me." I said as she looked at me with her blue eyes. She looked so happy. "I like you too. You were one of the only kids that asked me to play." I hugged her she seemed to stiffen up at this and I could tell she was trying not to hurt me. She then hugged me back around my neck I then let go and she didn't. She seemed to need this. But I didn't know what to do. I just stood there. But when she realized what she was doing she let go and then said "I am so sorry! I haven't felt a hug in forever." I looked at her shocked and I then said "really?" She nodded and I then said "well I will make sure you get all the hugs you need." I then hugged her again. And this time she hugged back without stopping herself. She needed this and I knew it. And I knew during this with her in my arms she was the one that would stay with me through the ups and downs of life she was the one who never laughed or made fun of me crying or needing a hug for something. She was the one who told me what to do with many things in life, she was also one of the ones I could trust. She was a good person by heart and soul no matter what and I guess that she was going to be one of the only people that I could trust. But only for two years. Then we were separated. Because I had school and she was schooled at her home. She was bullied a lot for her scar after all. The only one that was bullied for the fact her scar was shaped to the point that it seemed like a beautiful bird that was flying out of He flames under it. She was one of a kind after all. She was my Roxanne. And I was her Kendrick before she left. We were best friend and she was my crush after all so she was my beautiful Roxanne. And she was so unlike the others in our school.
Ok so I decided I needed to write but I couldn't cause I was actually saving a dog today we brought her to the humane society today because she needed a place to call a kind of home for a bit. Plus I'm glad we caught her today there is a huge storm that happened and she would of possibly died from the rain and wind speeds. So yeah.
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And This is the best picture I have of her. And she is now safe and warm. I hope she has a great home in the future.