F o u r . 2 : P l a n T w o

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Wednesday 7:00

Osana and senpai are probably talking right at the school's entrance. Sighs* senpai probably forgives her.

Me being a creep I sneak into the bushes thats just right behind him Osana didn't even notice me she was too busy admiring my senpai

"Uhm hey senpai, what book are you reading?" Osana ask. Did she just ask him that right now? He has been reading that freaking book for how I remember

"Oh this?" He says as he just look at his book. "Well my sister  gave it to me on my birthday and its very special to me" the older smiles as he remembers his sister gave him the book as a present for his birthday.

"Okaaay... Well what's it about" the orange-hair girl ask

"If your really interested I'll let you borrow" the older handed her the book

"Y-you will let me b-borrow your book?" The orange- hair girl ask just to make sure and maybe she's a little flutter by it

"Yeah, just take good care of it and dont rip or wrinkle any pages"

"O-of course! I can be careful! You can count me in senpai and you think I'm a clumsy person ok?!" The orange-hair girl yells at senpai like she thinks his deaf or something

Senpai chuckle. "Alright return it to me after school ok?  I'm sure you're going to love it" after senpai remind Osana to return the book he went in to the school

"Alright senpai, I'll be careful just for you" the orange hair girl says to her self as she hugs the book real tight then went in the school after

Well. Say good bye of your precious book senpai because she will ruined it- oh what am I saying I meant me.  I chuckle then went to follow her

At the school's fountain 7:30

Well now I arrived at the school's fountain where students of akademi high loves to spend their time here

I saw Osana sitting on the side of the fountain where senpai was also sitting when he reads his book. But for now I guess she's the only one here. Perfect

She was admiring the the view the fountain in the middle where she was sitting and cherry blossom trees round in each path. She was probably having the best time of her life when she was relaxing while reading the book.

Few minutes later she stands up to stretch while she went out of the area leaving her book behind. What an idiot

Well me being the devil I moved the book inches away the water. So one move of the book, the poor book will fall into the water. After I positioned the book for  awhile I went out before I might get caught.

I was walking around the hallways then it appears osana feeling disappointed as she was try to dry off senpai's book. I smirked after seeing what I saw

Class time 8:00am

I attend class and I was 10 minutes late the teacher told me to make it to class on time and my classmates laugh at me.

A girl with tanned skin and blond hair who was right beside told me something. She chuckles "oh yan-chan 'be on class on time ok?'" She giggles then rolled her eyes on me when I suddenly ignore her annoying ass.

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