Chapter 11

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Off's Point of View

"Gun, let me court you."

What the fuck.

I felt something inside my chest. It hurts so bad and I feel like my heart is shattering into pieces. Will Gun let Oab court him?

Gun just stood there while staring at Oab silently.

Oab is waiting for his answer and I.. I'm waiting for his answer as well. I know I shouldn't listen to their conversation but I just can't help it. I want to know what kind of answer Gun will give to Oab. Will he let Oab court him? Will he reject him? Will he give Oab a chance?

At first, I don't know why I hate Gun being clingy to me. I hate how he kiss and hug me infront of everyone else. I hate how caring he is towards me. I really thought I hate him but right now.. fuck. I hate myself.

"Oab. . I-"


I called him. There's no turning back now.


I pulled him. I stopped for a second because I feel like I'm melting because of the warmth of his hand but I just shook my head and continued walking.

We're now here at the balcony and my heart is beating so fast. What should I do now?

"Off." Gun called me. "Why did you bring me here?"

"I.. um.."

"Do you have anything to say? Cause if you don't, I'll just go home."

"No! Don't! I..uh"

"Off! Just tell me why you pulled me." He's already annoyed. "I'm still talking to Oab. What you did was disrespectful."

"Damn it, Gun!" I shouted at him.

"Why are you shouting at me? And why did you pulled me! You said I should forget you, right?"

You really fucked up, Off. Now, how can you explain yourself.

"Gun, I didn't mean to-"

"Then what's the point of this! You clearly hate me! Why are you doing this, Off? Please.. don't make this hard for me." I can see his tears falling from his eyes.

"What do you mean?"

He inhaled deeply before answering my question. "I'm doing my best to forget you. Even though it's hard, I know that I can do it. So please, just leave me alone."

I don't know what I should do right now but after a few seconds, I just found myself hugging him.


"Off, please. I told you. Don't make this hard for me. I really want to forg-"

I kissed him. Fuck. I did. I'm kissing him right now. He's trying to push me but I just deepened the kiss even more then I pulled away.

"Gun." I called him and he just looked at me. "Don't."

"Don't what?"

"Don't forget me."

"You're confusing me right now. I know you hate me-"

"But I like you, Gun!" There. I said it. "Please.. I'm so sorry for what I did a few days ago. Please don't forget me."

Gun's Point of View

Am I dreaming? Did he just confess to me? Wait, what?


"I know you feel like I hate you because of my actions. I know you feel like I hate you because of the words that I just said a few days ago but Gun, no. I don't hate you."

"You don't hate me? Then why-"

"I don't hate you Gun. I hate myself."

"What do you mean?" I'm so confused right now.

"I hate myself because I can't give you back the affections that you're giving me. I hate myself because I don't know why everytime I see you, my heart is beating so fast. I hate myself because I didn't realize earlier why I'm feeling this way. I hate myself because I made you cry. And I hate myself because.." He wiped my tears. "I can't show you how much I love you."

I- I don't know what to say. My mind suddenly went blank and I can't do anything but just listen to him.

"Yes, Gun. I love you. That's why I regret saying those harsh words to you. Everytime I see you sad because of me, I want to punch myself. I know I'm stupid for not realizing my feelings sooner but now, I've decided. I'll never let you go again. Never."

"Off.. how can you say that you love me? You're probably just confused right now."

"From the first day that I met you, when Tay and New introduced
you to me, you probably stole my heart right away. At first I was confused. I thought I just wanted to be friends with you. But then, we became friends. I'm still not contented. I keep on asking myself why I'm feeling like this. I keep on telling myself that I'm straight so I'm probably just infatuated.

But no. My feelings didn't fade away. It just grew even more to the point that I became scared.

I became scared because some people might judge me. I don't know how what I'm going to do once they insult me.

That's why I pushed you away. I don't want to fall inlove even more. I'm scared that at the end, I'll end up getting hurt. Stupid reason, I know. It's just my first time liking a guy.

When I said that I don't want them to know that I'm in a relationship with you, it's a lie.

I want you to know how I badly want to hold your hands infront of them. I want to pinch your cheeks everytime you act cutely. I want to carry you around. I want to go out with you but just like what I've just said, I'm scared.

Gun, I don't hate you. Infact, I love you so much that I'm willing to give you anything.

I love how your smile can light up the whole world.

I love how your eyes sparkle. Everytime I look at them, I tend to lose all my thoughts. I'm captivated by them.

I love your dimples. It suits you so much.

And most importantly, I love you. Your entire existence is enough to make my day."

This confession is probably the sweetest confession I heard. And Off said it. Please tell me I'm not dreaming.

"But you never had a girlfriend or boyfriend. How can you say that you're inlove? And you said you're afraid of what people might say to you once they know that you like boys. Are you serious right now, Off?"

"I'm dead serious right now, Gun. And I know that I'm inlove because everytime I look at you, I just feel so happy. I've never felt this way before."

"But.. I'm probably just going to annoy you. Yes, I'm affectionate but I'll get too clingy and I know you hate that. Plus, the hurtful judgements and opinions. Are you sure you can handle them?"

"Anything for you, Gun. I'll do anything. And for you, I'm willing to take a chance."

Hi guys! I'm so sorry for the late update! School has started and it sucks.

Please comment down your opinions about Off's confession!

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