Chapter 12

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Off's Point of View

I.. I did it. I confessed. I might regret it sooner or later but the only thing that matters right now is Gun's answer. Despite his serious questions, I can tell that he liked my confession. If you can only see his face right now. He looks like a tomato. I might be wrong but I'll stick to the positive side.

"Uh.. Gun?" I called him but he didn't answer me. "Gun??" I called him again but still, he just stared at me.

Oh no.

"Gun? Please talk. You're making me nervous right now." I told him what I'm really feeling at the moment but I'm shocked because he still didn't answer me. "Gun, if you didn't like my confession, you can tell me. If I'm making you uncomfortable right now, you can tell me as well. But don't just ignore me. Do you know that I feel like I'll die at any mo—"


He kissed me.

He's kissing me right now!

I don't know how I'm supposed to react but I came back to my senses and I just realized, I'm responding to his kisses. I cupped his face and deepened the kiss even more. He clutched at the hem of my shirt but I held his hands. I bit his lower lip as a sign that I'm asking for entrance and he complied. The kiss was so intense and passionate and I feel like my heart is going to explode. It's just.. unexplainable.

He pulled away first and he gasped deeply, needing some air. I didn't move my head and before he could  say anything, I kissed him again but only for a few seconds.


"Don't talk for a moment. I have something to tell you as well."

A bunch of thoughts suddenly appears in my mind. Is he going to tell me that I should leave him alone? Is he going to tell me that he'll let that Oab guy court him? Ugh.

"Off Jumpol." I looked at him. "Do you know.."

He paused for a moment. I was about to ask him why but then he continued. "Do you know how much I hate you right now?"


"I really really really hate you right now." I frowned at his statement. That hurts so much.

"I hate you because you hurt me. I hate you because you made me cry. I hate you because for a moment, you made me miserable. I hate you because you made me feel like shit. I hate you because you're the reason why these days, I don't have the courage to face our friends." He sighed. "But honestly speaking, I really hate you."

"Gun I-"

"I hate you because you made me feel this way. I hate you because even though I was at the verge of giving up, there is something in you that is telling me that I shouldn't let go of my feelings. I hate you because there are times that you made me feel so unimportant. I hate you so much."

He's crying again. What should I do..

"But at the end of the day, I couldn't lie to myself. At the end of the day, I know what I really feel for you.

I know that I can handle the pain that you're giving me. Even though it hurts so much, I just think that there is a small chance that you'll like me too.

The hugs and kisses that I'm giving you, it was normal because I'm really clingy to our friends but when it comes to you, it feels so different. I feel like I don't want to let you go every time I hug you.

Your eyes, your nose.. everything about you is perfect for me.

Your imperfections and your flaws, they don't matter to me. Every time I see them, I just fell for you even more. That's when I realized that I can not let you go.

I hate you because you made me feel something I never felt with anyone else."

He stopped talking. None of us started a conversation but he called me again.

"Hey, Off."


"I hate you."

"Yes, I know you hate me. You don't have to tell me a-"

"I hate you because you made me love you to the point that I can lose everything except you." He smiled then he walked closer to me.

"I love you too, dumbass. Even though you're stupid, I still love you. And uh, I prepared something. I wrote this a long time ago so don't judge me." He gave me a paper and I accepted it.

10 reasons why I like Off

1.His laugh. Everytime he's laughing, I feel like I can stare at him all day. Seeing him happy makes me happy as well.

2.His scent. I know it's very weird but his "baby scent" is just something that I can smell everyday. That's the reason why I like to hug him.

3. His jokes. When he's with Tay and New, he likes to tell them some jokes and although it's not that funny, hearing the jokes coming from his mouth is enough to make me laugh.

4. His smile. He has the brightest smile. I've never seen anyone smile that beautifully and just thinking about it, I feel like I'm going to die at any moment.

5. His own existence. He is enough to make my days, months and years. He doesn't treat me so well but I'm sure that I can handle it. I'll do anything for him.

And number 6-10? I don't have to write that. Just by looking at him, I can give you a thousand reasons why I like him and why he's worth it.

I folded the paper carefully. I went closer to him and hugged him tightly.

"See. You treated me like shit but still, I can't lose you. You're the only person I loved this much and I know that you're the last one that I'll love."

This is the moment that I thought something.

I realized, I can't afford to lose him as well.

And I realized,without any doubt, I really love this man.

Sorry for any mistakes. I'm really sleepy now but I wanted to write an update so here you go. :)

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