It could never happen to me.

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It could happen one time, just one time at aparty. "Hey Katie, this will make you better." This boy at a party said to me. I nodded in agreement; one time wont hurt. It could never happen to me.

Addicted. It was just the one time i got "hit" I was hooked onto it. Once you had it, there isnt a life without drugs. So, Katie, how does the use of illegal drugs affect society? Well, my best friend hates me, I gave on my parents, I'm broke and I don't care. All I want is another hit.

I don't hang with Mia or Chelsha anymore. I've tired though. Well, why not? they WERE my bestfriends. Mia comfronted me about my "addiction" before and i just ditched her. It's my personal life and she doesnt need to get all uptight. Of they don't like it, then fine i'll make new friends. Speaking of friends, Mom doesn't want anything to do with me anymore. I have the most supporting family.

I'm constanly broke. That's kind of obvious because Meth isn't excatly cheap. I have stole from Mom before but hey, it was only 20 bucks. The quickest and easit way to get cash was to postitute. I'm doing what every other women do accept for money. It's nothing special.

Every since Mia and Mom bailed out on me, I now live on the streets. Actually, it's kind of funny because this one time I had an overdose and apparently I was acting crazy and all. The paramedics came to imform me about my condition once again and helped me out. When I was good again my ofrmer sex buddy told me how I was acitng like on the streets. Then, when I was walking one day another random dude came up to me and told me to quit whatever drugs I'm doing because he doesn't want to pay taxes for my medical bill. I merely laughed at him Um, do I really care? It's not like I'm the one who's paying for them.

I "lost" several items since I've been living this way. I find a good decent item then this dude steals it. It's fairly annoying so I steal something esle back. It's an endless cycle. I don't have many valubles, therefore it makes it so mcuh more harder to live out here.

I don't like to look at myself in the mirror. I've used to be obsessed with my skin but not anymore. I actually saw my reflection this one day. Before I could see any details, I looked away. Tears were stinging into my eyes when I saw my face. My medium skin was replaced with discoloured skin with blotchy spots. I had scars on my forehead. It sucks because I wish...I had my old self again.

I try to hide my fear when I postitute. Everytime it ends, I feel...guilty. It's hard to explain the pain. I would have fun, but in the end, it all hits me all at once. I would always go into a corner and cry. I hate crying. Ever since I was little, I was "the brave one", the one that withstands pain. I'm a human deep inside, aren't I?

I guess that if I ever got into Rehab or Detox my mind would change completly. It's crazy thinking - me without drugs? Drugs is one of those mindless things I've did. It's idiotic, acutally. I blame myself for thinking that one night, "this could never happen to me." I was wrong and now I'm stuck in a deep hole.

Honestly, I don't WANT to do drugs, but it was as if it was a necessity. I've been clean for about two years. I still remember the day Mia came up to me.

"Katie!" She toke a double take when she saw me. " look...terrible." she stammbered.

I toke a peek at her but looked away quickly. I will not cry. I will not cry. I chanted in my head. I was glad that she was here for me but I didnt want her to think of my differently (as if I'm not already). She tried to run up to me without stepping on the needles on the flithy ground of the back alley. When she appeared infront of me I looked down. I've never felt so helpless in my entire life. "Katie..." she started, "I have enough cash for you to detox then rehab."

I almost let out a cry.

"I cant take it." I refused. She toke me by my fragile arm and pulled me up. She was lucky that I was sober. Mia picked me up bridal style walking through the back alley of my soft cires. I first got detoxed to make Rehab easier. It was hard, but I got through it and here I am now. Healthy and clean. a true friend because she never let go of the strings that bind our two souls together.


A/N- This was actually a Drug assignment I had to do in Grade 7. I just wanted to share this with you. My topic for the assignment was, "How does the use of illegal drugs affect society?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2010 ⏰

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