Chapter 8

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Tessa's POV

Molly takes the stage and people begin to start clapping. She gets up from the table and literally walks, not actually struts to the stage. Her small black heels make small noises every step she takes and I can help but be in awe at her beauty.

 As Molly takes the center stage, I am able to get a better look at her physical features. 

If I didn't know any better, I would say that she looks a lot skinner. Her body frame is smaller and her collarbone was sticking out. I try and squint a little closer and her face looks paler and her eyes look wider. 

"Harry, do you notice that Molly looks a little bit different or is it just me?" 

"Tessa, you said you don't want to talk about her anymore. So I'm keeping my mouth shut." He pretends to seal his lips and throw away a key.

"Okay, I just thought that she looked a little different that's all." I say quietly. I look at Harry and he doesn't even acknowledge what I just said.

"Tessa, drop it." Harry hisses and continues to look at the stage. I look at everyone around us and everyone is focusing their attention to where Molly is about to present her speech.

Molly grabs the black microphone and I have no idea what she is going to say nor do I know if it will be good or not.

Molly's not holding a phone or a set of cards in her hand.

Did she memorize her whole speech? If so, it's pretty impressive.

"Before I start, I just wanted to say I love the color pink Liam. You did a great job on the decor." She smirks while pushing a strand of hair behind her ear.

"I think it's importance why you all know why I am standing here today and why Sophia has been such an important part of my life." She says.

Jab number one at Harry. Harry wanted to skip that part in his speech of course she wanted to include it in hers. 

"I met Sophia in my early childhood. She lived across the street from my family and I. After school, I didn't have anyone to play with. Only my dad, he was always there for me, whether I wanted someone to play House with or someone to listen to what I did at school that day. Always there."

Jab number two. Harry's father was never there as a child for him.

"Being the whimsical, curious child I was, I wanted to go and visit our neighbors across the street. I heard they had a girl my age and I wanted to be-friend her. Because let's be honest, you can't play dolls with your dad for the rest of your adolescence." She laughs and the audience joins her. I can tell she captivates them, everyone leans forward in their seats, eager for more.

"I mustered up all of my courage and ran her doorbell. At first, her mother answered and she asked me who I was there to see. I showed her my doll and was too shy to say anything." Molly says. 

"Her mom looked and my and said, "Aw what a cute doll!"" 

Eruptions of laughter come from the crowd, even I managed to produce a smile. I look over at Harry and he has a large frown on his face. He must not be enjoying this.

"I was sucking on my thumb and I pulled out another doll with a matching outfit from my back hand and said "This one is for Sophia."" 

"And from then on, we were inseparable." Molly smiles while looking over at Sophia. Sophia is in tears and Liam is wiping them with his fingers.

"So that's the thing about friendships. All you have to do is extend out our hand to someone and let them take it."

"Whether it is a hand or something as simple as a doll, I encourage everyone to extend their warmth and kindness out to a stranger. Because you never know what will come out of it."

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