Chapter 21

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Molly's POV:

I leave Richard's hotel and start walking towards mine. I had to take off my shoes and basically walk bare-foot on the New York streets because my feet were hurting like hell.

I pull out my phone from my purse and search for the directions back to my hotel. I have to be quick though because my phone is going to die soon and I barely know this area of New York.

As I begin to walk through the streets, I hear some cat-calling from men on the sidewalk. I decide to entertain one of their stupid attempts of getting my attention.

I hear one of them say something from the side of me. 

"Hey beautiful, where are you going to?" One man with a long crusty beard asks me.

"Um, anywhere but with you." I say and continue walking. At this point, Ryan Reynolds could ask me out and I would tell him off because I am over men as of now. They are all trash. 

I smirk to myself.

But I guess that's what I'm attracted to, ha.

I feel a buzz in my hand come from my phone. I look at the screen down to the name.


What could he possibly want? Oh yeah, probably to have sex with me and then forget about me and then call me back the next day because that's the shitty type of guy he is.

I honestly blame myself. I feed into this bullshit on the daily and throw it right back to him.

I sigh and open the text message.

"Where are you, I need to see you right now."

I laugh to myself. I was right. He really is trying to get my pants right now and not even trying to be subtle about it. 

I reply with a simple,

"I'm walking back from my hotel."

Harry messages me back instantly and tells me that he wants to see me. Two seconds later, his location pops up on my screen, I recognize the address. 

It's a coffee shop a couple of blocks away from me. 

I messaged him back saying I'll be there in an hour and he's buying me a drink.

The coffee shop is a ten minute walk from me but I'm not going to make myself too available for him. I made that mistake in college but if I want Harry this time, I'm going to make him want me.

I do some window shopping in my meantime.

Thirty minutes later, I get another text from here.

"Where are you? You said you would be here and I need to leave soon."

"I'll be there soon." I reply.

"Hurry up. I want to leave this shitty place. And I want to talk."

I decide not to reply and in usual Harry style, he blows up my phone with a couple more messages.

I sigh and start walking towards the shop.

Five minutes later, I pull open the door and see Harry sitting in a chair on the corner.

"Wow, I'm pretty sure half the city of New Year aged twenty years by the time you finally decided to arrive in the damn coffee shop." Harry says.

Harry's POV:

Molly took so annoyingly long to arrive at the coffee shop that I practically drank all the shit coffee that this place served.

"You can't just send me a text and expect me to show up in ten minutes, it doesn't work like that Harry." She says and pulls out her chair.

I resist the urge to tell her how she was practically begging to be in my pants when we were in college. 

"Whatever, it doesn't matter. You're here now. What were you doing that took so god damn long anyways?" I say back.

"I was a little preoccupied." She narrows her eyes and sits back in her chair.

"With what? A guy? You do realize that I am the only one who can actually have sex with you and then tolerate being around you afterwards." I say.

I feel the harshness of my voice as soon as it leaves my lips, but I don't care. Molly is the reason we are in this mess to begin with. 

"You know it's funny you say all of this, but the funny thing is you are the one who texted me to be here, so you obviously like me enough to want me to be around you in the first place." She says slowly and leans her hands across the table closer to mine. 

She scoots closer to me and moves her face towards mine

"Besides Harry, if Tessa wasn't involved in the situation, we could actually be together, have you ever considered that?" I feel her soft breathe on my face as the words leave her lips.

"Tessa and I broke up." I say without flinching.

The expression on Molly's face remains neutral.

"Did you know?" She says.

"Yeah, we did. We broke up. We're not really talking anymore."

"Hmm, why did you break up? Did you finally realize you were bored with messing around with little school girls and wanted something better?" She says.

I smirk.

"I broke up with her because she.. well simply because she is Tessa, you know how she is. I couldn't take it anymore."

The words feel like acid leaving my mouth. Nothing that I'm saying is true but I keep lying to myself to make it feel like they are true.

"Well it was about fucking time, you finally see what I and everyone else in our friend group was telling you about. You were dating a prick but it's okay, being the nice person I am, I might just consider talking to you again." Molly bats her eyes and looks at me. 

"Don't flatter yourself. If anything, your my rebound until I find a better option."

"Oh really? You keep saying that but in the end Harry, when you and Tessa break up, you keep coming back to the one person who is able to satisfy all of your needs. Me, I am that person." Molly says.

"I keep coming back to you because you are easy and available when I need you. No trouble, just the way I like it." I grit my teeth, I feel the annoyance of Molly's presence build up inside me.

"So then, what are you waiting for Harry why don't we get out of here until you are able to find your better option?" She laughs and throws her head back.

I smirk, sign the bill, and pull Molly's arm and we are out the door. 

*End of chapter 21!! GUYS PLEASE COMMENT/LIKE/STAR. If I get enough, I will make After 4 longer and consider making an After 5!!! Also, ahhhh almost 10k views!! What the heck!! YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING! 

*Chapter 22 is out tomorrow! Sorry 21 took so long, I was sick this week :( 

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