Chapter 43

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Harry's POV:

Again, I decide to let all this weird shit slide. Tessa's not in the mood to talk about all of this because she immediately changes the topic.

"So uh what restaurant are we going to?" She asks without making eye contact with me once.

"It's Indian like I said. It's good food. My friend went there and said the place was good." I say closely studying her body language.

"Oh yeah, I've never really tried Indian food. It will be nice to try something new for a change."

Tessa goes into our bedroom and into the closet. 

"I'm going to shower really quick!" Tessa says and slams the bathroom door. 

"Okay but make it quick, I'm starving!" I shout back.

I go sit on the couch and flip on the tv. The only good thing on is some documentary about a recent criminal case that got popular in the news. A guy recently murdered another dude over conflicts with the other guy messing around with his girlfriend. 

I'm pretty engrossed in the show and don't even see Tessa walk out. She says my name at least twice before I get that she's even speaking.

"Harry, hellooooo?" She says and waves her hand in my face.

"Huh?" I jolt my head up.

"I said I'm ready to go. Are we going to walk to the place or take the subway?" 

"Subway definitely. Way to far to walk. Let me just grab my jacket." I grab my jacket from the other room and we are out the door and into the cold New York air. 

I see Tessa shivering.

"Here." I say and place my arm around her. 

"Thanksss." Tessa says and huddles underneath my grip.

"Cold yeah?"

"Way too cold." She says and looks up and smiles. 

We take the subway. I have to buy another ticket cause mine ran out of subway rides. We get off at our stop at 16th street. By the time we get up top, it's gotten slightly dark.

"Oh I see it, it's right over that."

Situated on one of the corners. There's a bright red sign that says "Barbecue Nation" on it. We walk over and I grab the door and hold it open for Tessa.

"Oh wow." Tessa says in awe and peels off her jacket. 

Holy shit, oh wow is right. The place is decorated nicely and even better, it smells amazing. 

We walk over the host. He's a decently tall guy, probably a couple of inches shorter than me and with my hair color.

"Table for two?" He says and beams a smile at both of us, though I think he smiles longer at Tessa.

"Actually we had a reservation." Tessa answers.

"Yeah, it was under Harry and Tessa Styles." I say and look at him in the eyes. I look over and I see Tessa staring at me giving me the "what the fuck did you just say" look.

He walks us over to our table and pulls out the chairs for both of us and seats us.

"Anything to drink?"

"Yeah I'll have a coke." I answer, wanting so badly for him to disappear. 

"For you miss?"

"I'll have a coke as well." Tessa answers.

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