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Extra long chapter ahead....

Previously on the Markhyuck part of Heartless....

"You are waiting to be punished aren't you?", Mark said angrily.

"I.....no... I didn't do anything wrong.", I tried protesting.

"Let's see if you are still protesting when I fucking spank you to oblivion. I won't hesitate to sexually torture you until you fucking give in."

And then he pushed me onto the bed.


"Sir. Wait! Isn't Na Jaemin, your rival?", I asked wriggling as fast as possible to the headboard, trying to get away from Mark.

Mark was faster.

He pinned both my hands to the headboard. His grip was so tight that I was sure it would leave a bruise.

I panicked. I started screaming my lungs out.

"What do you think you are doing?", he growled, placing his right palm over my mouth.

"You bastard. Let go of me. This is harassment.", my muffled voice rang out.

"You think a gang leader like me would care?", he smirked.

Taking advantage of his grip loosening slightly on my pinned hands, I mustered as much strength as possible and kneed his stomach, catching him off guard.

Unfortunately, before I completely got out of the bed, he caught my right heel and pulled me hard.

Now I was stuck in a very vulnerable position.

I was lying flat on my chest with the shirt ridden up and pants which were baggy had slid a bit down my waist. My lower back was completely exposed.

I could feel him breathing down my neck which left me shivering.

"Why are you shivering?", his voice mocking me.

"You clearly don't understand the meaning of personal space.", I replied snarkily.

"Such perfect timing for snarky comments, Donghyuck. Maybe I should increase the ten slaps I initially planned to twenty. ", he said before letting out a low chuckle.


Before I could protest, his right hand had gripped my hip.

I took a sharp intake of breath.

"I never expected your skin to be this soft.", he said, caressing my sides.

I whimpered loudly. It was too ticklish.

His lightly rough hands now rested on the waistband of my pants.

I struggled violently trying to save my ass from the incoming torture.

"I can't believe you are stupid enough to believe your rivals words and sexually harass an innocent boy.", I cried out. I was losing hope and the tears were threatening to spill.

His hands retracted and suddenly I was flipped over.

I'm pretty sure he was met with the sight of wide, teary eyes and trembling lips.

I couldn't look at that asshole. He was the first guy who had been this close to me.

"Why did you stop? Aren't you going to continue your sexual harrassment?", I spat out.

There was confusion swimming in his eyes. I could practically see the cogs in his head turning.

"Ugh.", he groans.

Finally, he realises how stupid he is acting. I rolled my eyes.

"Finally, your dense brain understands. I AM NOT A SPY.", I emphasised each word.

He glares at me. He grips my waist tightly and a whimper escapes my mouth.

"Stop gripping it so tightly. ", I huffed out.

"You better watch your mouth around me. ", he said digging his nails in.

I refused to scream out in pain.

"Okay. I have decided what to do with you. I will let you choose between nipple clamps and ten spanks.", he said firmly.

"What the hell? Why do I need to be punished? I helped you realise how fucking dumb you are and this is what I get?", I shouted, enraged.

"And this is exactly why you are getting punished- for insulting me and talking back to me. Now choose fast before I decide to do both.", he smirked, satisfied with how my face fumed red.

"Fine asshole. Nipple clamps. How long though? I can't bear it for long.", I admitted, ears turning red.

"Half an hour.", he said, releasing me completely from his iron grip.

"That's too long! Not fai-", he cut me short by asking me to undo the buttons of my shirt.

Ugh. Whatever. Half and hour is all I have to bear the pain.

My poor nipples.

I undid the buttons but left the shirt half on because I was shy.

I waited for Mark to return. I contemplated running away but I had heard the click of the lock before he left.

I laid down on the bed trying to clear my head. What had I gotten myself into?

I almost dozed off but suddenly I felt something cold on my nipples.

I freaked out and let out a high pitched scream flailing my limbs.

"Calm down, Donghyuck. It's me. And those are the nipple clamps.", Mark reassured.

I shot him a glare. He clipped my next nipple and then I felt it.

It's so tight and it pains. How the fuck do people feel pleasure from this?

Mark looked at my scrunched up face and laughed. I mumbled a fuck off.

I stood up to stretch and somehow make it more comfortable. But then Mark decided to experimentally tug it.

And believe me it pained so bad that I lost balance and fell onto Mark. I quickly grabbed the ending of the chains before Mark would think about pulling it again.

"Dude. It is painful. Don't you dare pull it again.", I wheezed.

I turned around and pulled my shirt on.

"You need a safe word just in case the pain gets too unbearable.", said Mark sounding serious.

"Umm.. how about REPLAY?", I said humming along to the lovely song. Maybe the song would distract me from the uncomfortable pain of the clamps.

"Okay. Just tell the safe word to Taeyong if it gets totally unbearable. I will be back after half an hour and don't even try to remove the clamps. I will know if you do."

"Sure.", I replied. The nipple clamps were already getting really uncomfortable but I did not want to show myself as weak in front of him.

I sat there on the bed waiting for him to come back.


Author's note:

For those of you who were expecting some wink wonk action or smut, I'm sorry.

Consent is very important kids. And I felt like it would be borderline sexual harrassment if Mark spanked Donghyuck.

But to make up for the disappointment of Mark not spanking Donghyuck, I will present you consensual edging and bondage in the next chapter with Jaeno.

Also Jaeno are gonna be switches because why the hell not!

I promise the next chapter will be kinky asf ;)

Stay tuned ! Happy reading!!!

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