Chapter one:day one

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i cant sleep tonight.somethings bothering me.but what is it.first of all im august spring .tall,hot,blond,handsome.actually the color of my hair is black and my name is derive from the months and the four seasons my little brother name is summer.we know he doesnt like it.hes been bullied in school for a while lucky him he had a chance to go to school while im homeschooled.i have a heart disease my heart wont work if too much stress so here i am sticking my body to my bed i cant believe in saying this my heart wont live loger that means i wont stay longer you dont have to over react i want to tell you a story and its about "remembering autumn"

july 2 2013 the weather is overcast.i can see droplets on my usual im staying at my comfy prohibited to walk too much,or even play or else im going to the hospital.theres so many things that has been prohibited in my life.

1st------- do not run

2nd------ do not laugh too much

3rd------- do not eat too much

4rth the last but not the least "though shall never be in love" some of you might think my life is very harse.and overeacting pussilanimous in other word.but thats the real situation ive never felt peace in my whole life before

"broooooooo!"My brother unlocks my door "what is it?" i answered he widens the door.i saw his tears from his eyes so i was worried my heart started pumping "i was being bullied again in class!" he exclaimed so i told him "bro if youre a fight back you'll be bullied have to tell your principal about you want me to call mom!" he broke his voice a cough followed her mother run through their room.

"Aug are you okay?"she hugs me

"im okay mom!i was just worried for summer "

"bro dont tell mom" he waves his hand glaring at my face

"Summer!"mom raise her voice . "Dont tell me you being bullied again . didnt i tell you to tell your adviser?or your principal

"Mom im sorry but i just dont want to be embarassed by a lot of people like what you did to said he was useless in front of dad and grandpa" He raised his voice to mom.mothers eyes was nearly crying.

"SUMMer!"i tried to stop heart pumping so fast as if preaparing for a race. i could not stand it i shouted one last time"Summer!" then i had an attack lost my conciusness.

actually im in the hospital for one month. i felt pity for my brother who is stressed out in his school.This is the last day of my Admition in this hospital i can hardly know everyone the nurse. the staffs and the doctors. My doctor Doctor Roberts gave me a medication to relax my heart. my doctor stares at me. like he was planning something i wont agree with.he walks Away,closes the door and called my mother they were having this conversation.i can see them because theres a glass window. the hospital is very big and unique itself. maybe the windows are meant to be glass so that i wont hear what i dont need to hear . i look on my window which is nothing but building is all i can see . a while later he realised that the hospital is a very boring place he decided to go out without without her mother knowing

He was walking alone until he reach a park near the garden museum he went inside wearing his hospital shirt.he decided to come here to refreshen his head and heart it was a pretty quite vibrant place.

At the hospital dr. roberts and mrs rose. Augusts mother shakes hands with Dr. Roberts "are we going to tell him about this?" her mother replied " When do we begin our operation?. "Maybe the next day. ok. thanks. Mrs rose did not agree with it the first time but for august sake he needs to do the operation. "Heart Transplant" Because is getting weaker each day .

At the Garden August was slowly walking due to the guards he sat down at a small bench near two big Pink Shower trees. It was a magical Garden filled with roses,you can hear the birds chirping all around it was a peacefull place. its maybe a paradise of august. he wanted to enjoy this moment. he closes his eyes feeling the breeze and the air all around. he wanted to enjoy this moment without the hospital around. without the banging noises of doors and loud chuckling of the doctors and nurses. Suddenlly without knowing it An Orange dried Leaf fell to his hair from the tree.

"Huh!" he sniffed the leaf "Is it Autumn Already?''How many days must ive been in that hospital he questioned himself nodding his head. he holds the leaf and when he holds it a girl suddenly appeared appeared near the bench. She has a liittle bit blond and a little bit black hair which make her hair attractive to the eyes It was A jaw dropping situation. it was love at first sight"OH ! its autumn already ?"She asked me i stood up ang gave her my hand we shake hands and started to talk about things.

"Hi!May i ask who you are?" I glance at her with my sudden question "O i forgot! Hi my name is Autumn Fall Im 7 Years old Like you by chanc i stayed here in the garden of piers becuase my mother work here. I also a tita here i live in that big look alike castle. i snapped " Thats a great information " "And youre!?" She raised an eyebrow smelling me looking at me like i was a total stranger becuase i really am. she just shared his personal information that was wierd becuase all of us were thougt never to give your adress to a stranger." Im August Spring, 7 years old, a runaway kid who is searching a paradise on earth."

"YOU LOOK SO PALE!" She suddenlly commented on my appearance. So i told her that i only got a few days of my life or a month maybe. Actually we talk a lot it was a fine talk. we shared what our hobbies, likes,favorites. She felt sorry for me. but i dont even felt sorry for myself i had to enjoy life while it last. we talk until we laugh. shared jokes to each other . it was very awkward at first but we did get used to it. Her smile is different from all the nurses and teachers ive known in my whole life. my phone beep and theres only one thing what that means " They're searching for me!" i told autumn who directly stands up and gave her hand to me."Cmon ill excort you to the gate. its getting darker i smiled back and instead of taking her hands i wrap both my hands on her shoulder, i hugged her tightly and made her blush

"Thank you so much for this day Autumn!" ill treasure it forever. she replied with worriness "Am i gonna see you again?" I know this is a hard question i wont answer it right away. instead i wave my hand and rode a taxi this is gonna be a harse day. when i got back to the hospital. there were doctors and police officers inside my room. everybody stares at me in relief. They were really worried i look like Dora in a hospital shirt. My mom and brother run towards me giving me a hug wolf.i know this is difficult for them but its the only way to enjoy this fucking life "Where have you beem August why would you go out like that?" Im a soft spoken guy so i told them everything i was storytelling, but they fell asleep. thats the power of my tongue. i went to my bed close my eyes cover my pale body with a blanket and sleep.

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