Chapter 1 in the morning

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   Two weeks ago:

   Prism's POV:

   I opened my eyes as light poured through the window pulling me out of a deep sleep, I groaned as I sat up in bed not wanting to get up but then I heard my mom calling from downstairs.

   "Prism! Come down for breakfast! It's waffles your favorite!" 

   "Coming mom!" I answered trying my best to sound like I have been up for ages.

   I get up and grab my shirt from my dresser that was shoved into the closet. I smile as I remember the day when my parents got frustrated because my new dresser was to big to fit anywhere else so the just put it in the closet and called it good.

My hand brushes against the rainbow stone that my parents got  for me after I turned 4. I feel a slight shiver run down my spine as I touch the rainbow stone but the feeling quickly passes as I close the dresser and get changed out of my baggy PJs and into my normal clothes. For most others Steve children they have to learn by themselves but Rainbow Steve's are different for quite a lot of reasons but I don't know all of them yet but one thing that I do know it how we learn things.

    When a Rainbow Steve has a birthday they unlock the skills and knowledge that they will need for that year but the proses is painful and it's alwas worse as you get older. What I have unlocked so far it mostly easy skills like how to walk, run, talk, the knowledge of objects, and four of my powers; Night vision, mind reading, fireballs, and lightning.

   When I turned 1 I got my night vision and I got my fireball power when I was 2 then my lightning went I turned 3 and I just resently got my mind reading ability, and I am 4 years old right now.

   "Prism you better hurry down befor your father eats it all!" My mom calls up the stairs.

    "Your waffles are so good Prism better hurry before there gone!" I hear my dad say in the kitchen.

   "NO don't eat my waffles!" I nearly screamed as I ran down the stairs colliding with my mom.

   "Oof, Oh good morning Prism!" Mom says smiling down at me, "The waffles are in the kitchen you better hurry."

   I look up at my mom and look at her bright yellow eyes, that's one thing about me I don't understand, everyone has yelllow eyes while my eyes are a sharp amber color. There are 97 Rainbow Steve's in the Rainbow Town there would be 100 but 3 of us in all of our history have died because our town is hidden so well. The three that died where the two elders that died mysteriously, they also where the only other ones who had amber eyes like me, and the last one was a newborn Rainbow Steve but no one knows how he died as well.

   I go into the kitchen to see my dad sitting at the counter finishing up the waffles on his plate. "Good morning Prism how did you sleep last night?" He asked as I sit down pulling my plate closer so he can't eat my waffles.

   "I slept fine how about you?" I ask as my mom enters the room.

   I instantly know something's wrong because they then look at each other with a worried look. I frown and slowly reach out my mind and mingle it with there's so I can hear what they are thinking but I'm stoped by mom parents mind wall blocking me out completely. My mom looks at me.

   "Prism you know we said not to listen in on our minds it's rude" she say.

   "Sorry mom" I apologize looking down at my plate, my face burning with embarrassment, I hate it when ever they catch me using my mind reading ability on them.

   "It's ok Prism just don't do it again ok?"

   " how did you sleep last night?" I ask trying to change the subject.

   "Not very well we have been worried about all of the missing Rainbow Steve's," my dad says.

   For about a year now random rainbow Steve's have been disappearing and none of them have xome back yet and that's scary because rainbow Steve's are the most powerful off all of the other Steve's, about 25 of us can defeat all of the blue Steve's if we wanted, and we know because we have done it befor during the Steve war,  but all we want is peace. 

   I turn silent as I think of who might be kidnapping all of the rainbow Steve's that have gone missing. I sit there for a while and before I know it I have finished my breakfast.

   I watch as my dad prepares to go to the mines witch he has been working in for a while even though we can choose what we want to do and when we don't want to go we can just stay home or do whatever we want.

   "Going to the mines again Monsoon?" My mom asks my dad as she grabs a basket so she can do some shopping.

   "Yep bye Anna, bye Prism," he says before he kisses my mom and gives me a hug ruffling up my hair, "see you guys later"

    "Bye dad"

   "Bye Monsoon"

   He then leaves closing the door behind him and leaving the house in silence.

   "Hey mom?" I ask after a while.

   "Yes Prism?" 

   "Can I go play with Edi and Tom?" I ask wanting to go out and play with my friends, they where my only friends because they where the only othe kids in the Rainbow Town. 

    "Sure Prism just don't leave the rainbow town alright?"

   "Ok I won't bye mom!"

   "Bye Prism!" 

   I then jump from my seat and run out of the house and start heading to Edi's house where I know Tom will be as well ever since his parents disappeared.

   As I headed to his house I was aware of someone or something watching me but I ignored it and kept on walking.

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