Chapter 4 Lost Then Found

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Tom's POV:

I mutter to myself non-stop about the cold as we continue to walk through the frozen forest. when Prism shot that fireball inbetween me and Edi when we where fighting was a bit shocking seeing as he hardly ever used his powers outside of the training center unless he really needs to.

I look over my shoulder at Prism. He is about a full head shorter than me and because he is so young I know he can't hold a fire ball for very long. I got my fireball ability at age 5 and its stronger than Edi's so I can hold my fireball for an infinite amount of time.

Prism is shivering even with his fireball on which is Not a good sign but it quickly disappears. Prism looks annoyed but starts to summon another fireball. But as he does a sense something is wrong

A small spark starts up in Prism's hand but then goes out

And so does Prism.

 "Prism!" I yelp before rushing over. Using my quick speed I catch him before he hits the ground

" Is he ok?! " Edi asks as he comes up behind me

"I don't know..." I say as I open up my energy sense

the world looks a lot different as I use my ability. The trees, which are covered in snow and in a deep hibernation, glow slightly with energy slowly moving up and down the trunk. I can see blobs of energy as animals move around the forest and even underground. The slight breeze the shifts through the trees brings up flashes of green energy. And the snowflake that had started talking a while ago twinkle with a small intensity. Edi's energy blows brightly besides me in a way that's stronger than animals. Prism's energy should have been a much brighter energy than all of the other Rainbows but instead it was dimmer than usual

"He's just tired, he will be fine, he just over exerted himself" I finally told Edi as I turned off my energy sense

"Well no kidding!" Edi snapped at me, "we are all freezing! was a bad idea to do this..."

" Come on we have to get back to-" I start but I'm interrupted by a voice right behind me

"Well you three are a long ways from home"

(I'm sorry it's short. I promise the next chapter will be longer

later Peeples, pebbles, and viruses!

eat oranges)

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2020 ⏰

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