Chapter 2 outside the town

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   Prism's POV:

   As I walked to Edi's house I saw several rainbow's as they headed to there destinations, some where heading to the middle part of the town where the town hall was, the library, the power training center, the farm, the mines, and the shopping stands where while others where just heading to others homes to hang out. For a while I was going in the same direction as most of the other rainbow's because Edi lives near the middle of town, the main part of town was pretty close, about 20 blocks away when I turned left and headed down the road marked with a diamond block surrounded by yellow wool, this is part of a system that we came up with to help show where we live, my street was marked with a Redstone block surrounded by glowstone.

   Edi was in front of his house sitting on one of the two rainbow trees that he has in front of his house, Tom was hanging out above him, and when I say 'hanging out' I mean that he was flying upside down in the air above Edi.

   Edi is 9 years old and is pretty tall and skinny, he has a scar on his left cheek that runs down to his chin and up past his left eye, he got that scar when he was 5, he got it because he was climbing a tree and then fell hitting a jagged branch on his way down earning him that scar, now most of the time rainbow children are always being watched by rainbow guards so that doesn't happen very often but that was a complete accident.

   In fact the moment i had steped out of my house about 5 rainbow guards started following me, there where about 7 watching the house right now. One of the rules is that a guard always has to keep an eye on us rainbow kids because more than once in incident will happen and it's rather the child that gets hurt or someone's house gets blown up. Also because me, Edi, and Tom are the only rainbow's under 25 years old we are being watched like how a chicken gets watched by a cat. Not to mention the fact that I am much different from the other Steve's so there are usually more guards watching me than Tom or Edi.

   Tom on the other hand was 7 years old was also very tall but still a bit shorter than Edi. He didn't have any visible scare but I knew that he did have one on his left shoulder from when he was just learning his lightning ability.

   One thing that they have in common with every one else besides the fact that we all are rainbow's was that they also have yellow eyes. Like I said before I am the only one with Amber eyes.

   "Hi guys," I say cheerfully as I walk up to them.

   "Oh hi Prism," Edi replies.

   "What you guys up to?" I ask as I push myself up to where Edi is sitting, he moves over so I have more room to sit.

   "Nothing much...just talking," Tom says as he flys upwrite and lands on the ground.

   "Talking about what?" I ask.

   "It's none of your business Prism," Tom snaps at me suddenly. That shocked me because Tom usually never snaps at people. He must of saw how much that shocked me because he said quickly, "it's just stuff you won't understand ok?"

   I don't reply or do anything because I'm so shocked at this point so I just pretend that I'm interested in the few rainbows who are passing us and the rainbow guards that are pretending not to watch us. I guess that ever sence Toms parents disappeared he has been on edge, I can't help but notice that his mind shield, or what we call the barrier that we can put around our minds to protect our thoughts, was down so I couldn't help but listen in on what Tom was thinking.

   'I hope that mum and da show up soon I'm so worried about them,' Tom's mind wonders as I try to look like I'm not listening in on what he's thinking, 'I wonder if Edi will go into the forest with me to look for them, should I ask prism? No he will never be aloud to has too young and he probably won't even if he could'

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