January 5, 2019

3 1 0

I find it so odd how you can see someone every day and then just stop talking to them. It is so easy to exit someone's life. To just leave without warning.

I've don't just that with my only friends, but I don't know if I'd really consider them friends. They were a close knit group that had been friends since elementary and all grew up on the same block. So this means that they all know each other super well and are best friends. So enter me into the equation and I stand out quite a bit.

I slowly stared to learn about who they were as people. And don't get me wrong, they aren't bad or anything, I just get pissed around people that want to bash on the schools Gay Straight Alliance Club. And that's exactly what they would do, so I dropped out of their lives and they were out of mine.

This has made me, quite literally, friendless. Not that I mind too much because I'm comfortable being alone, but when you spend New Years by yourself in your room you start to realize that maybe you do want to find some new friends. So far I haven't been able to find any. Most high school kids are already in their cliques and are reluctant to let another join.

So for now, I'll take comfort in being alone instead of letting it suffocate me.

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