Part 2:Training

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Lucy pov
It has been weeks since I left Fairy Tail.The S-Class trials are coming up.I decided to go on a little walk.I noticed a blue haired girl with a black cape on has been following me for a while.I make a few sharp turns and she still follows.
I turn and stop once we reach a dead end.
"Who are you and why are you following me?"
" don't remember me?"
"I am Lucy Heartfilia.My mother died many years ago."
"Lucy eh.I am your mother's personal dragon."
"I have never heard about my mom knowing dragons."
"You haven't?Well you must visit your kingdom that you inherited from your mother."
"May we do that please?It has been so rough living without my friends.May I know how long we will be there?"
"Roughly 64 dragons years.Which is roughly 7 human years."
"Wow I would love to go.OPEN GATE OF THE LION:LOKE."
"How may I be of service?"
"Can you please write a note that says
'I am taking a long training trip please don't try to find me.I will see you later.Love Lucy' and leave it under my doormat.Bbbut leave a corner of the letter sticking out."
"Okay.I must use Virgo to do that though.My handwriting is god awful."
"Bye Lucy."
"Bye Loke."
"My name is Alya and grab my hand while we transport.It might hurt a bit.But only for a second."
"Oh alright."
In an instant we were in a very large castle.
"This way Lucy."
She pulled me to a very large room that was bigger than my apartment.
"This will be your room."
"Wow thank you.I have a question.How are you so young?"
"We can talk on the couch.Come."
Once we sit down on very nice couch I began with all of my questions.
"I am so young because your mother casted a non-aging spell the day she became our queen."
"So my mother had a secret life here.As your Queen?"
"Yes and she served her term as an amazing queen.She hoped to show you a better life here.She always said one day she would bring you.I guess her time ran out before she could show you this world."
"What will I be doing to train?"
"Well we will train you as we did your mother.Elemental Dragon Slaying."
My jaw dropped.I would become a dragon slayer.I'm gonna be so strong.
"Get some rest.We start tomorrow."
Those long 64 years I trained and mastered many techniques.I trained with Alya for hand combat in her human form,Igneel for fire,Snowflake for ice,Metalicanna for Iron,Grandeeny for sky,Terra for earth, Celeste for Celestial,Skiadrum and Weisslogia for Shadows and light,and just for fun she learned how to summon the dragons to her aid.They had their own keys and everything.So cuteee.
7 human years later
I grabbed ahold of Alya's leg.
"Alyaaaaa I don't wanna leave.I will be bored without you."
"Here is the address to your new apartment.There is a guild near there.Why don't you join?It would be good for you."
My smile dropped.I haven't seen the group in 7 whole years.I wonder if Levy is married to Gajeel yet.I wonder if Wendy has realized she is in love with someone yet.I wonder if Mira is still in love with Laxus.Or has Laxus told her how in love he is.I start to cry thinking about my old friends.Alya looked confused so I wiped my tears.I stood up and I grabbed her hand.
"Lucy are you ready?"
"Yeah I'm ready."
We transported to an apartment building in Fiore that I recognized for some reason.That was where the group of girls crowded over "Salamander" and Natsu saved me.I heard a large group of people walking towards me.I then heard a few familiar voices.Fairy Tail.
Oh crap.Levy,Wendy,and Mira are here...
I try to look down and hide my face but Mirajane pulled me into a hug.
"Hey guys wanna come in and um catch up?"
I entered my nice apartment building that Loke and Virgo already set up for me.
"So guys how have your 7 year been!"
Levy and Wendy went silent.
"The S-class trials happened and then a hugee dragon attacked and first master protected us but the spell lasted 7 years.
That's why we don't look any different."
Mira took in a big breath to continue her rant.
"ALSO WHY HAVE YOU NOT CONTACTED US?!?We were so worried you got hurt.We tried to look for you but we kind of gave up when we lost your scent at a park.WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!?"
I sighed and I took in a huge breath.
"Well I have been in the dragon realm which I am the queen of.My mom passed it on and blah blah blah.I went there to train for a few years and I have gotten alot stronger.I have a new magic type.Watch.Levy give me that bottle to your left."
It was an empty bottle but I blew a little fire in it and POP!
"I am an elemental dragon slayer.I know all types of magic now."
Their jaws dropped when they saw my key chain.I now had all 12 zodiac keys and about 15 dragon keys.I took off the ring and dropped it to the ground.It made a loud thud sound when it finally fell.
"Lu-chan I really hate to ask this but is there any chance of you coming back to fairy tail?"
"Sorry Levy.I plan on joining a new guild.If most of Fairy Tail didn't want me at my worst why should I let them have me at my finest?"
"It was worth a try.We just really miss you that's all."
"How about I fill you up on everything this Friday and Weekend?We can do a sleep over so you get to know everything.
I have 2 couches and a king bed."
Levy and Mirajane looked at each other and smiled.They quickly hugged me.
Mirajane took Wendy and Levy's hand.They ran out of my apartment and I stood up immediately regretting this.

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