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"You stay on your side and I'll stay on mine, got it?" Jared snaps rather harshly, making me flinch slightly. He didn't notice.

I sat on my side of the bed and tried to ignore Jared. However, that was quite hard when he was complaining. He started picking up every pillow he could find and placing -more like slamming- them on the bed, creating a barrier.

I groaned and put a pillow over my face. Jared quickly snatched it back and put it back on the pillow barrier.

"Hey," I protested, "I need a pillow for my head."

Begrudgingly, he took a small pillow from the barrier and threw it at me. I managed to catch it before it hit me and put it down on my side of the barrier.

"This is your fault, you know. You could have stayed with your little boyfriend, but no, now we're stuck together-"

"Kurt isn't my boyfriend," I snapped.

Jared rolled his eyes, "Oh please, he's always eye-fucking you. Not to mention the fact that you live with him. Why are you in here with me and not in there with him?"

"We're barely even friends."

"You still could have slept in there," Jared grumbled, "so why didn't you!?"

"Because all he ever wants is sex! It makes me feel uncomfortable around him, and I don't want to be alone with him! I thought you wouldn't mind if I stayed with you, but I guess I was wrong!" I snarled. It wasn't a lie, but I was purposely leaving bits out.

His eyes widened, he stopped arguing and got into bed quietly. He took off his glasses and placed them on the bedside table, pulled the covers over himself then turned on his side so his back was facing me.

Once I was sure he was asleep, I stood up and got changed into shorts and a comfortable top. I got back into bed, making sure to keep to my side; I didn't want to annoy Jared anymore than I already had.

I pressed my back up against the pillow barrier to try and find any sort of warmth. It didn't really work but I shut my eyes anyway. I was worried about the fact I was in here - Kurt would be mad. I sighed and let myself fall asleep.


"I'm sorry-accident-didn't mean," Jared woke me up rambling. He was still asleep, clearly having a nightmare. I was about to shake him awake when I realised something. Jared's arms were wrapped around me and our legs were tangled together. I was shocked but I wanted to stay like this.

I pulled one of my arms free and shook his shoulder gently. He woke up and tears started rolling down his cheeks. I pulled my other arm free and wrapped them around his neck, pulling him closer to me. He buried his head in the crook of my neck, trying to find comfort. I began stroking his hair softly.

"It's okay, it was just a nightmare," I spoke softly and kissed his forehead. He relaxed slightly and snuggled into me more.


I smiled and shut my eyes again, breathing in Jared's scent as I drifted off. He smelled like a new car with a hint of lime. I'd missed him a lot.


The next time I woke up, it was morning. Jared was still asleep so I pulled away from him and made my way downstairs. Zoe was sat at the counter in the kitchen eating lucky charms. I joined her and leaned on the counter next to her.

She smiled at me, "morning."

"Morning, thanks for inviting me to this, it was fun."

Zoe smiled and then she narrowed her eyes at me. "What?" I questioned her. She shook her head, "it's just, you smell like a new car and I'm sure I've smelled that somewhere before."

I was about to make up some excuse - no one could know that me and Jared had shared a bed otherwise Kurt would be mad- when Jared walked in, "Morning!"

He headed over to the fridge and poured out two glasses of orange juice. He joined me and Zoe and handed me one of the glasses. I thanked him and we shared a smile.

Zoe's eyes widened, "Oh my God. Oh my God! It's Jared! The smell is Jared! (Y/N) (Y/L/N) did you sleep with Jared?!"

"W-What? N-no."

"Well we did sleep together. Literally. We just slept in the same bed." Jared explained.


Oh fuck. That was Kurt.

"You told me you were sharing a room with Zoe. Why didn't you share with me?"

"I don't- I don't- I- well-"

"Leave her alone Kurt," Jared cut in, "She can share with me if she wants, we're best friends."

That shocked me, "we-we are?"

Jared scoffed, "obviously."


"It's in the past."

I sighed in relief, he'd forgiven me.

Kurt grabbed my arm and roughly pulled me away from Zoe and Jared. "We'll talk about this later," He said, his voice low. He walked away.

I began panicking. That's what he always said when he was going to scream at me and possibly hit me. Well, he'd probably hit me; I'd slept in a bed with Jared. Now I was scared to leave.

Jared walked over to me and asked if I was okay. I nodded my head shakily. It didn't fool Jared. He took hold of my wrist and gently pulled me into the bathroom.

"What's wrong?"


"That's bullshit and you know it."

I sighed. I could tell him. He was my best friend.

"Are we really best friends again?"

Jared sighed, "Are you trying to change the subject?" I shook my head. He continued, "Yes. I'm sorry I was mean last night. I was just confused because you'd stopped talking to me. I'd love it if we could be friends again. Can we? Be friends I mean."

"Obviously, Jared. I missed you. I'm sorry."

He pulled me into a hug and I wrapped my arms around his waist, burying my head in his shoulder.

He pulled away, keeping hold of my elbows, "now, what's wrong?"

I took a breath, "It's Kurt. When he said that we'd talk later, he really meant that he'd scream at me."

"He does that a lot?"

I nodded weakly and Jared, began rubbing my upper arms, "I feel like there's something else."

I nodded again. "He hits me sometimes," I mumbled almost inaudibly, but Jared heard.

"He what?" Jared asked angrily, making me flinch. His face softened, "I'm sorry." He pulled me into a hug again and rubbed my back. I let the tears roll down my cheeks, unable to stop them. Jared spoke softly, "I'm not mad at you. I'm mad at him. I'm not letting you go home with him."

"But I have nowhere else-"

"You're coming with me."

I sighed, "Since I've told you all that, I might as well tell you that the only reason I stopped talking to you was because Kurt made me. He saw you as a threat I guess. I'm sorry.

"Don't be. It's his fault. He's such a dick."

I heard Jared take a shaky breath, "I thought you stopped talking to me because I'd done something wrong."

I shook my head, "you didn't do anything wrong, I'm sorry. I couldn't say no to him or he'd- he'd-"

Jared shushed me, "It's okay."

 Jared Kleinman x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now