"I'll leave you to get dressed"

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"Wake up, sir" a calm but stern voice startles me out of bed. It must be some sort of emergency, I never wake up like this. I'm always on top of it, getting up as the sun rises and peaks its way past my yellow curtains and into my room. The sun hasn't even come out yet, strange. Why would I get woken up this early if it wasn't an emergency.

The person the voice belongs to was standing at the foot of my bed, shielding his eyes. I was quite confused at first, why has my butler woken me up then shielded his eyes and is just standing there. I call him my butler loosely, technology that is his job but we have become quite good friends.

He bursts out laughing in the awkwardness, and then whistles like his is cat calling me. Joking around of coarse. I look down and finally realise I'm standing there completely naked.

Out of my embarrassment, I quickly jump back in bed and wrap my comforter around me covering as much skin as possible. I can't help but laugh, but then remembered that he had woken me for some sort of reason.

"Why did you wake me up Eskild, is it urgent? It better be an emergency. I was having one of the best dreams ever, I was in the forest and I saw the elf again." I start saying seriously but lighten up when I start talking about my dreams. I have been having these series of dreams, ever since I was little about an elf. He had curly blond hair, green eyes almost like emeralds and the cutest face that made me question my sexuality more times then I can count.

I was in a way obsessed with this elf, but he was truly only a figment of my imagination. I didn't like that, I wanted him to be real, a physical solid object I could see and touch in front of me. I thought the closest thing I could do to make that happen was to draw him. This lead to nights where I would stay up for days straight and just draw this mysterious elf boy from my dreams.

My father hated it, every bit of creativity I had. He just associated everything I did to be part of my illness. Yes, maybe staying up three days straight doing nothing but drawing had something to do with my disorder. But being infatuated with this specific boy who so happens to be a myth is just pure innocence.

My father also didn't like that it was a boy, he wasn't a big fan of gays. But is it even gay if my elf boy doesnt exist?

Eskild was trying to get my attention, I had drifted off staring at the big portrait I drew of the elf boy that was plastered on my wall to the right of my bed. I snap out of it and started staring intensely at Eskild this time.

"The guards, um they found something. I think its best if you come out and see it for yourself. I'll leave you to get dressed"; Eskild manages to say while trying to carefully select his words. He smirks and opens the bedroom door only enough room to barely fit him though. He quickly shuts the door in case anyone so happens to walk by and see me naked.

I get up questioning what had Eskild meant by that and also questioning what I should wear. Should I get my proper attire on, something fancy, or do I just go in casual clothes. I mean I am a soon to be king, better get fancy. I don't want to be extremely fancy, like full on suit and cape. Just simple and put together, so it looks like I know what I'm doing and that I hadn't just been startled because I was waken up without any clothes on.

I put on a white button up, buttoned it all the way. No. Unbutton it just a little. I unbutton four down, but that's to much chest. Back to buttoning it back up all the way, no I don't like it. I leave the top two unbuttoned this time. Thats better, I think.

I check my hair in the mirror to make sure its a least presentable. Its a blond swirly mess. I vigorously try taming my hair by moving my hand through the blond strands going every which way. My hair is long enough to go behind my ears, so thats what I tried to do. I move the hair that hits my face up and above so it lands behind my ears and on top of my head. A couple pieces of blond hair still happen to fall in front of my face.

That will do, I rush to my door quickly opening it so I could find out what Eskild was talking about. As I dash out my door, I realize I don't know where to go. Where had this thing the guards had found been. The thrown room, the guards quarter, maybe the dungeon. They could be anywhere. I decide to go to the back entrance of the castle, it was right next to the guards quarters. I figured I could stop by there and ask where the guards were.

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