"You can't just do that!"

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Confidently, I stood up. This time not falling over from being light headed, but standing straight with my chest puffed out. If I were to have a book at this moment it would probably balance so easily on top of my head.

I start walking hastily down the corridor without looking back to check if Eskild was still sitting on the floor. I knew he was there, I just didn't want to confirm it in my head. If I looked at him I would probably realize that he was right, and that's admitting defeat. I feel like I'm to stubborn sometimes, I've been told its not a bad thing. That it just means I feel strongly about something and that I don't give up easily.

When I think I'm doing something good, like trying to get the elf boy in a normal guest room away from the dungeon, I have to ask myself why. Why do I want him in the guest room, because its nicer then the dungeon and I want him to be comfortable or because I want him closer to me. My first initial thought is that I'd want him to be closer because I want to see him, understand him. Who wouldn't? My second thought is that he'd hopefully be more at home and not scared, comfy and safe. I don't like my first thought, why would I think something like that. Me seeing him or being close to him doesn't matter as long as he is safe. I want what is best for him, but I don't know if my judgment will get in the way. Am I trying to help him for the wrong reasons? My intent is good, I just don't know if my execution is. I'm probably over thinking this, I didn't even know he existed until this morning.

While getting closer to the dungeon, I start to hear talking. The two distinct voices were my guards, Noora and Sana. I'm not usually nosey but I heard them talking about me. I stopped before the corner so they couldn't see me.

Sana was talking "Knowing Even, he is going to be here any second."

Odd, I was here. How did she know, I mean it's not that hard to predict. Noora began talking and it interrupted my train of thought "Well I don't think Eskild would let him come over here after he just passed out."

Hmm, maybe I'm not that predictable. Sana tried to explain herself "Yeah but Evens strong, and I-" "True" I quickly interrupt because don't enjoy listening in on people. I give them a little playful smile to let them know that I'm alright. It was just the two of them, the others are probably in the room we are currently standing in front of right now.

"I presume you know what I'm here for, so I'm going to just be stealing our new guest for a little." I swiftly say while maneuvering between the two girls and closer to the door.

I opened the door before they could say anything. Expecting to see the rest of the guards and the elf boy in the small cramped room, I was slightly baffled to see it was just Eva and the elf boy. The other girls were probably doing other things round the castle. Plus the fact that the room that was going to host the elf boy, is pretty small. Just us three could barely fit in the room. Concrete walls, no windows, and a small bed that didn't look very comfy. I wasn't going to let this stand, he hasn't done anything to put him in a prison cell.

Without acknowledging Eva, I make my way over to the boy. I intertwined our arms together, in one of the swiftest and smoothest motions ever. He looked surprised, I couldn't tell if it was a good kind of surprise or a not so good kind of surprise. That was maybe a bad move, I should've at least greeted myself or asked if he wanted to be dragged across the room. I don't know if it was really considered dragging though, he went right along with me. No hesitation, it was like he had little wings and glided perfectly along with me.

Eva called out my name in a semi angry tone. It didn't seem like she was genuinely angry but as if she was just trying to be angry at me. If she was actually angry she would've done a lot more then just yell "Even, you can't just do that!"

I haven't really even looked at the boy, I just kept walking. I wanted to get to my destination as quickly as possible without anyone questioning the boy and his ears. I could feel him staring at me, but I didn't look back. I felt as if I was walking to fast for him, our grip was slowly loosening. I started walking a little slower so he could walk next to me and not slightly behind me like he was. He mumbled "thank you" but I don't think I quite processed it. I saw him in my peripheral, his head was down like he was embarrassed.

We were almost to the guest room where I wanted to bring him. I noticed Eskild wasn't anywhere to be found. That was suspicious, but I didn't question it. Until that is I saw him outside the guest room with Sonja, my girlfriend technically. I didn't want to see her now, or really ever but especially not now.

I stopped in my tracks; the boy obviously not ready for the sudden stop, kept walking. He gave me an awkward pull on accident, and it just resulted in him slinging into me. I lost my balance for a second after the bump but I managed to not fall flat on my face. In that split second, he also looked like he was a bit wobbly.

I grabbed his hand and dashed out of sight of Eskild and Sonja. I wasn't sure if they heard us or saw us but I tried to get out of their view as fast as possible. I lead the boy into my room because it was close and my future wife wasn't there. I don't want to think about her right now, but I can't help it. She wants me to help plan a wedding I don't want to be a part of. We are hidden from her though, not very well but I don't have to worry about the wedding right now and I'm glad.

I open the door to my room and lead the boy inside. I just realized our fingers were interlocked. Did I do that? I was so focused on Sonja I wasn't paying attention. I closed the door behind us and pulled my hand away. I felt my palms nervously sweat and I didn't want him to be grossed out.

I wanted to talk to him, but I wasn't even sure if he can understand me. He might speak in a different language or something. Then I remember while we were walking here he said something. I think he said thank you, but why. Without thinking I blurted out "For what?"

He looked confused which was valid. I tried to explain "You said thank you, but why?"

In the softest voice I have ever heard he said "For getting me out of there."

He was like an angel, the pureness of his voice almost brought me to tears.
I felt weak from his voice and I responded with my voice a little shaky "No problem, I could handle the thought of you in there."

He smiled a simple but meaningful smile at me; I wanted to melt right then and there. I kept my composure that is until I noticed he was looking around my room. Then looking directly at the drawing that looks eerily familiar to him. How do I explain that? I better just avoid it for now, I'm just going to quickly change the subject to distract him if that'll work.
"What's your name, or what do I call you. If you have a name that is, I'm not sure why you wouldn't but who knows." I rambled to much I should stop and wait for him to respond.

"Oh it's um Isak" he quickly replied, probably because he wanted to get a word in before I kept rambling on. His name, Isak, is so beautiful. How perfect can a name be? I felt as if he was persuading my opinion, I feel like he could have any name and it would be beautiful.

Now that I think about it, I don't think I properly introduced myself. Before I could give him my name, I was rudely interrupted by a pounding on my door. Followed by an almost yelling Eskild. I opened the door to see the one and only Eskild and Sonja standing side by side. I could see the apologetic eyes Eskild was giving me. He was just doing his job, and I had to deal with her sooner or later. Eskild commented "Sonja's here" as both of them enter my room.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2019 ⏰

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