"Just follow me"

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I slowly made my way through the halls of the castle, trying not to make noise as everyone was still sleeping. Tiptoeing my way around. I got distracted looking down at the floor panels. Trying to make my way through them without stepping on the gaps that connected the pieces of wood together. One after another, lighting hopping across them.

It became a pattern, I did it so effortlessly so I got a little cocky closing my eyes as I made my way across the floor. A loud thud echoed through the halls, and a sudden headache came over me. I stopped in my place, opening my eyes slowly. I didn't want to believe I just whacked my head against the wall, but that's exactly what happened.

An "Ow!" came out of my mouth as I slowly rubbed the spot on my forehead I just slammed against the wall. It was indeed a delayed reaction but it still hurt.

I hear footsteps rush over to me and Eskilds voice asking "Are you okay, I heard a big thud over here." I turn to him chuckling "Yah, I just bumped my head." I certainly didn't just bump my head, I full on ran into the wall. I'm surprised there isn't blood gushing out of my head.

"Ah, is that what you are doing instead of coming to the guards quarters like I said. No wonder why you are taking forever." Eskild said with a bit a sass and a smile to let me know the sass was him just joking around. "Excuse me mister, I know I just hit my head but I still specifically remember you not telling me where to go." I gave Eskild as much sass as he gave me along with a smile of course.

"Ooh, uh just follow me" Eskild swiftly said and then immediately trying to change the subject. "Sonja is coming over later today to discuss more in depth about the wedding plans. I was told to make sure you knew, even though I know its the last thing you want to be informed about." Eskild was spot on. I don't want to think about my arranged marriage with Sonja.

Sonja is nice and all but I don't want to marry her. The only reason why this whole marriage is happening is because her father is trying to go to war with us. Its either I marry his daughter or war! Such a plethora of discussions, whatever will I pick.

I don't want to go to war and risk my peoples lives, so obviously I have to marry. It's worth it every bit if it means no lives lost. If we did go to war I truly do believe we'd win easily. We indeed have some of the best guards around, they are the head of our army. I just don't believe we should go to war, it's not worth it.

Our guards consisted completely of females. Five lovely ladies to be exact. Eva, she is really sweet but can kick butt so easily. Sana, she is the brains, incredibly good with her words and she is the kind of person who you don't want to get mad. Vilde, one of the strongest guards out of all of them that it's almost scary. Noora, I don't think I've ever seen her hurt anyone but you never know what could be hiding behind her wholesomeness. Finally Chris, without Chris the guards probably would've fallen out a while ago. She holds them together, and I appreciate it a lot. She even has showed an interest in my drawings, but only the ones of my elf boy.

Anyways, my guards are some of the toughest warriors around. Speaking of them, they are currently standing in a circle. Eskild and I made our way to them. I couldn't help but question what they were doing. Were they surrounding something? Potentially. Maybe they were just giving each other pep talks. I don't know exactly but I want to find out what's going on.

I clear my throat, gaining the guards attention along with Eskild who was behind me watching whatever was about to go down. The guards turn their heads towards me, extremely startled. "Oh!" "Even!" "Hello!" "Good Morning!" I couldn't tell who was saying what and could barely understand what they had said because it was a jumbled mess. They were very much startled, which I don't think is a good thing coming from your guards. I shouldn't be able to scare them, they should be on top of it.

They were blocking something from my sight, I could see that indeed something was there but I couldn't make out what. I took a step closer moving my head to see if I could see anything in between them. A tall shirtless boy stood in the middle, he was tall but not as tall as me. Probably because I'm a giant compared to most people.

He kind of looks like the boy I just dreamt of, his height and his hair which were also curly and blond. I couldn't see his face because he was facing the other way. As I moved closer the guards separated so I could see this boy and talk to him.

That's exactly what I did, I tapped his shoulder to get his attention and began to speak "Hello, I'm Ev-".

I couldn't talk, my throat closed up as soon as he turned around. His face, his emerald colored eyes, and his pointy ears. For a spilt second of taking every detail of his face, I could tell he was or looked like my elf boy. I only saw him for a second too, everything around me became blurry. The blurry turned into darkness, and I felt a sharp pain shoot through my body.

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