Chapter 22

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My favorite day of the week.


Because I always got off work early and who doesn’t like the weekends?

Cami and I decided to have a sleepover today since she wasn’t able to come over when Jason travelled but I managed on my own even though I missed him a lot and I guess he did too because he called me and we spoke till we both fell asleep, I think I fell asleep first. I wasn’t really sure but all the same.

We were getting along really well and I slept in his room most times because of his nightmares.

Scratch that, sleeping wasn’t the same without him and I liked to think he felt the same way if not I might as well dig a hole and bury myself in it.

I had to get snacks for myself and Cami so I made Leo drive me to the mall to get snacks and also groceries for the house just for the sake of it.

The mall was a little crowded but I just assumed everyone wanted to reduce the trip down here and just enjoy the weekend.

I grabbed some chips, soda, gummy bears and every junk food I could sight not forgetting my favorite, Kit Kat.

I was addicted and I grabbed two dozens with the intention of finishing it during the movie.

When I was finally done with groceries, I pushed my trolley all the way to the check out point and I suddenly regretted asking Nathan to stay in the car.

As much as I hated the attention he could cause, I really needed a hand with everything because it seemed like I bought the whole store.

Just as I was about to hand over my card to the cashier, a voice interrupted me.

“I’ve got it.”

I froze in my tracks and silently prayed that my ears were deceiving me but as usual, the heavens were against me.

“No thank you. I can handle it.” I said slowly while trying my best to avoid eye contact.

“It’s fine. Really I’ve got it.” He insisted stubbornly and I had the urge to scream at him. 

What was he even doing here?

How the hell did he find me again?

When did he return to the country?

I was still lost in my own thoughts when he paid and my stuffs were packed and placed back in the trolley.

Thank God they did because there was no way in hell I was going to carry everything by myself and even if Nathan came to help, it would be a two way trip.

I definitely overdid myself and I pitied his pocket.

Right! I was with him.

“Um–Thank you very much Tee—Tony.” I corrected as I mentally face-palmed myself for calling him the nickname I gave him.

“It’s nothing really.” He said and we walked in silence as we went to my car although my mind was running at one hundred miles per minute.

As soon as Nathan saw me, he got out of the car and helped to put the stuffs in the car although I didn’t miss the look of shock on his face when he saw what was in it and for a minute I wondered what Jason would say.

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