Chapter 40

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Somewhere between writing this chapter, I think I got confused and it suddenly only made sense in my head but I've decided to leave my crucial editing till the end of the book but I know you'll get the hint eventually.

Have fun!

It’s been two weeks and Jason still hadn’t woken up even after they stopped the anesthetics a week back because thankfully his brain had stopped swelling.

I had gone home once and was on my way home for the second time because Mirabel had threatened not to let me in the hospital again if I didn’t go and take a proper bath at home.

She had returned the day after Jason’s accident from Ukraine where she had gone to perform a kidney transplant on someone because she was one of the best in her field.

So here I was once again with James on my way to my brother’s house.

He had returned to Hawaii two days after he came and just returned today after going to see their branch in Canada but we often spoke even though Dray still didn’t like him.

“Why do you always come when I need help?” I asked after getting tired of the silence.

“I like to see myself as your knight in shining armor.” He said smiling proudly.

“More like black knight. You’re my official stalker.” I said with a teasing tone.

“Again with the stalking Kayla. I only did that once and this time around I happened to be here by luck. How was I supposed to know that the doctor would chase you away from the hospital?”

“Hmm–whatever floats your boat but you’re still my stalker.”

“I’m done arguing with you.” He said pulling up to the front of my brother’s house.

“Of course you are.” I said with a light chuckle as I got down.

I was about to open the door when I turned to see him still sitting inside the car.

“What are you doing?” I asked with a confused stare.

“Waiting for you.”

“You don’t plan on staying there till I’m done do you?”

“Actually—” He started but I was quick to interrupt him.

“Shut up and come in James. You can’t stay there because Mirabel said I must be away for a minimum of five hours and I have to take a long shower anyway.”

“So is that an invite to join you?” He asked with a suggestive grin.

“In your dreams Einstein.” I said rolling my eyes as we walked in together.

“Make yourself comfortable. I’ll be down in a bit to make lunch.”

“Take your time.” He said as he settled on the couch.

I quickly went to my room to take a a long relaxing bath and packed my bags for the remaining days I would spend in the hospital before I would be chased away again.

As the warm water trailed down my body, I silently prayed once again that Jason would wake up and also remember me.

When I was sure that I was clean, I dried my body and settled for a pair of joggers and a hoodie that belonged to my brother of course.

I heard the doorbell ring from downstairs and as I expected, James opened the door.

As soon as I heard the familiar voices, I ran down the stairs filled with joy.

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