Chapter 43

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My head was pounding and I felt like there was a heavy brick holding my body down on the ground.

I slowly opened my eyes and squinted it to accommodate the light in the room and when I could finally accommodate the light, I opened them to study my environment.

I was on a bed  which was the only furniture in the room. There was a door that I assumed was the bathroom and another which I guessed was the exit.

I looked towards the window to see trees in the distance although it was dark.

I suddenly wondered how far I was from home.

I tried to get up but my head seemed heavier than the rest of my body and I let out a loud groan at the pain.

“Careful there cupcake or you might actually get hurt.” I heard a voice say from beside me and my eyes immediately snapped to that direction.

I could see a silhouette from the corner of the room and before I could say anything, he walked into the light.

My eyes widened at the person in front of me.

“Why am I here?” I asked in a voice that I hoped hid my panic.

“Oh come on now cupcake, aren’t you happy to see me?” He asked with a smug smile.

“I want to go home.”

“Oh you’re home, and you better get used to it because you’re going to be here for a pretty long time.” He said with a creepy smile.

“What do you want?”

“I want you cupcake, just you.”

“Then you must be really crazy because you can never have me. I’m not yours and I never will be.”

“Now, now. I wouldn’t be so sure if I were you.” He said as he trailed his fingers along my cheek and I slapped his hand away considering the fact that my head still felt heavy.

I mustered all the strength I could as finally raised myself up to look out of the window when I realized that the only thing around were trees and even far at the distance, I couldn’t see any sign of civilization. At least to the best of my eyesight because it was pretty dark outside and the trees looked so quiet and still.

“Where are we?” I asked glaring at him.

“Somewhere nobody will ever find you. Not your family or your husband.” He muttered the last word like it was some kind of poison.

“What is wrong with you? Let me go!” I screamed at him now panicking.

“Look here you little piece of shit!” He said as he got to my front in a flash and grabbed my face in his hands, squeezing it hardly, “you’re not leaving this place anytime soon and look around, nobody will think of you being here so you could as well get comfortable.” He growled and that was when I realized that the eyes I’d gotten used to looked crazy.

How did I not notice this before?

“You’re hurting me.” I cried as I tried to pry his hand away from my face.

He immediately released my face as if my skin burnt him and in a flash, his eyes changed from crazy to worried.

“I’m so sorry cupcake.” He said as he tried to come closer.

“Stay the hell away from me!” I barked at him and he just gave a sinister smile.

I was scared of him but I couldn’t let me know that.

“We’re going to be together for a long time so I don’t think you need to say that.” He said and turned towards the door.

I considered running outside the door but I didn’t know my way and I was scared of what he could do if I tried to run. I didn’t trust crazy eyes not to hurt me.

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