Chapter Five

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"She's a he and his name is Eren Jaeger."

The group went quiet. Then Hanji started laughing. "EHEHEHEEEHHHEHEH. OH LEVI, THAT WAS THE BOY YOU WERE STALKING LAST WEE-EHEHEEEEH-YOU REALLY ARE GA-AHAHHAHA," then she collapsed on the ground. Everyone was silent for a moment more, before resuming the game.

Levi felt a tap on the shoulder. He turned around to see the new kid-Armin was his name, right?-behind him. "What do you want?" He grumbled.

"I know you don't know me. But I just moved here-"

"I know that much already, brat. Cut it out."

"Well it's just that, your friend Eren, I ah. I know him." The blond looked down sheepishly.

"Wait, what?" Levi hissed. "Is this some sort of joke?" He was honestly feeling really attacked.

"Well, where I came from, my best friend, his name was Eren Jaeger. He loved art, and he has a sister named Mikasa. His mom's dying of cancer, right?"

"Y-yeah, that sounds about right. Wait, what was that last part?"

"You mean he didn't tell you? His mom was getting better, the cancer cells were almost completely out, but then...well, it came back. He texted me from the hospital a few hours ago. She only has, like a few months left." Armin sighed.

"N-no, he didn't. Excuse me," Levi felt lightheaded. He waved Armin away, and headed to find a bathroom. The room spun before him. He locked bathroom the door and unlocked his phone. Eren still hadn't responded.

LeviRivaille: Eren, goddamnit, I know why you're not responding. Your friend Armin told me. Please let me know your okay, you shitty brat.

* * *

Eren's phone buzzed and made the Skype noise, interrupting his thoughts. It had been a mere three hours since the fatal news had been delivered-his mom's certain death. Eren could hardly believe it himself-some time in the next two months his mother would pass away.

He knew the Skype was from Levi. Levi, the only person who Eren felt truly cared about him, that wasn't family.

No, that was ridiculous, he had only known him for a month. Why would Levi care for him more than he should? There was no way in hell Levi would return his feelings. It felt weird as it was, having a crush on someone just because of their words.

Someone rapped loudly at the door. "Go away, Mikasa," Eren sighed.

"Not until you let me in. There's someone on the phone for you," Mikasa yelled through the door. Eren rolled his eyes.

"Is it a relative?" He croaked from behind the door. "If it's Grisha, you can tell him to go put a stick up his-"

"Eren! Do not talk about our father that way!"

"My father. You're adopted. And I can't exactly call a man who sends small checks home every four months to pay for the bills and birthday cards with 10 dollars in them our father."

"We'll it's not him. It's Armin." Eren sighed and open the door just enough to grab Mikasa's phone.

"What is it Armin? Why can't you just use my cell phone?"

"It went straight to voice mail," the blond over the receiver huffed.

"So what is it?" Eren sighed again.

"I-there's a certain individual here that would like to speak with you."

"Oh, what the hell. Go ahead." He groaned. There was a brief commotion, and a squeal. Then a deeper voice spoke into the phone.

"Hey, brat."

"What the fu-who is this?" Eren squealed.

"Who do you think, dumbass."

"L-Levi?" He only knew one person who called him names like that. Still, he said the words hesitantly.

"That's right. Why haven't you responded to my texts? I've been worried about you, you little shit."

Worried about me? What does that mean? I perked up hopefully.

"Well thank you for your concern. I really don't need it, though. I've got enough house calls sending their regards already."

"Relatives?" Levi smirked.

"Mostly," Eren shrugged.

"Well honestly, I can't sympathize really. My parents both died a long time ago. I live with my uncle now."

"Oh. Wow." Eren whispered.

"It's no big deal. But my best friend died when I was young. So there's that."

"That must have been rough," Eren commented. "What happened?"

"Car accident or something. God, what a meaningless way to die. I became really depressed after that, and I don't think I've ever truly recovered."

"What do you mean?" Eren frowned.

"I threw myself into my writing and gave up on making friends in the real world. And hey, looks like a lot of people actually liked it, or else we would have never met."

"Yeah. I guess something good came out of it," Eren smiled a bit, his first smile since the hospital. "So, if you didn't make any new friends, how are we talking?" Eren asked him.

"Well if I recall correctly, it was you who wanted to talk to me in the first place." Levi groaned.

"Well why did you even decide to reply? You get so many messages every day, why me?"

"Because you're...different. I dunno. Most people just wanted to tell me how they loved my work, and they look up at me, as if I'm better than them. You actually had something to tell me." Levi took a breath. "And that's the reason I like you now. You always have something to say. The right thing to say. But honestly, I don't understand why you've put up with me this long."

That's why I like you...did he mean...

"Wow...that was...I know I've said it before, first time we talked, but you really are talented. Okay, what you said was beautiful. That's why I put up with you-that's why I like you."



"So...when you say you like me..."

"Oh. Um, yeah, I guess." Eren bit his lip.


"Do you...?"



"So are we...?" Eren hesitated. He didn't want to ruin anything.

"What?" He heard a tone of mischief in Levi's voice. He needed to actually say it.

Eren cleared his throat. "Levi. You are a beautiful person and a wonderful friend. I know I'm not as talented with my words as you are. But without further ado, will you," he spoke quietly, "Go out with me?" Eren's voice was barely above a whisper.


* * *

Meh this is moving faster than I planned, sorry, but theres lots o stuff that happens after they're together so...

I also want to get this done before my school starts *trembling* next Wednesday, which probably won't happen, and I'll still try and keep up with this. Thank you all for sticking with me and actually reading this! See you next time!


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