Chapter Thirteen

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uhhh...warning: underage drinking? Attempted rape? Idk don't mind me

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Eren fiddled with the straps of his luggage. Him and Mikasa were boarding the same plane as they had last time he had visited. He looked over at Mikasa, and she gave him a reassuring smile. It was the same proccedure as last time, but now Eren didn't have Levi to look forward to.

He had brought only the posessions most neccecary. He had never been materialistic, and cleaning his room one last time made him realize that there was nothing for him there. Since the devestating breakup, Eren had forced himself to keep drawing, but the quality of his work clearly reflected the state in which he was living. He used up his current skctchbook at the time, but hadn't had the willpower to buy himself a new one. Nevertheless, he had brought it with him, as a painful reminder of the ghost that was his first love.

Levi sunk deeper into his chair, in his room. Petra had texted him three times, asking if he wanted to go out. No, he didn't. He wanted to stay inside and write, and maybe think about Eren some more. But school was out for the summer and Levi knew he needed to get a life.

There's a party tonight at Mike's. Wanna go with me?

His phone buzzed instantly with a reply.

Sure! Pick me up at 7?

Levi rolled his eyes. Ungrateful bitch. But he merely said "yeah" and turned his phone off, closing his eyes, covering them with his hands.

Meanwhile, Eren and Mikasa stood at the exit of the airport. The flight had been quick, and Eren felt very well rested.

"Get in, losers!" A blond in a silver car (of his very own, he was very proud of that) pulled up.

"Armin, you fucking dork. You look like a nerd in those sunglasses!" Eren reached through the window and ruffled the blond's bob cut-style hair.

"Piss off," he yelled, waving Eren and Mikasa to the back of the car.

"Shotgun!" Mikasa called. Eren flipped her off, but unreluctantly hopped in the back. The three chattered unrelentlessly about this and that. A rare smile, and then a laugh, escaped from Eren. He could get used to this.

"I almost forgot, a good friend of mine is having a party tonight. His name's Mike and he's a senior. You guys should go, and get yourselves acquainted!"

"Shure, I think it'd be fun. Eren?" Mikasa stared at him through the rear view mirror, telepathically communicating you will go to this party with me, so help me you introverted nerd.

"Fine." He rolled his eyes. Armin pulled up to the Arlert's house, and for the second first time, Eren got out and ran for the entrance. But this time there was no Levi waiting for him. No knight in shining armor to Eren's lost princess.

Levi glanced at his watch. 6:55, it read. Time to pick up Petra. Levi grimiced, anticipating the boring night ahead. It would be just like every other so-called date with the ginger girl. He would pick her up, and they would attend the party, chat a bit, then Petra would drag him off to some secluded corner and succumb herself to the high of lust that Levi would unwillingly give her.

Just as Levi twirled the keys to the car (his uncle's who clearly didn't need it atm), jogged to the car, and pulled out, he saw the silver car of Armin Arlert's pull into his own driveway. It seemed like there was someone else with him.

He shrugged off the notion and drove to Petra's. She was sitting on the front steps, her painfully short skirt and glitzy-glam cleavage-abundant top was almost too much for the raven's poor eyes to handle. He tried to stare at the ground, and Petra didn't see to notice. She left him a wet kiss on his cheek and swung around to the passenger side.

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