The Clue

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It was noon, and the cafeteria buzzed with the usual lunchtime crowd. I sat alone, pushing my food around my plate, my mind elsewhere. Abby wasn't here yet, which was odd. I had been hoping to ask her about the necklace Mr. Jung had been holding when he was found dead. Something about it didn't sit right with me. My gaze drifted to her Korean roommate, sitting by herself in the far corner. Maybe she knew something.

I approached her cautiously. "Hi, I'm Eddy, a friend of Abby's. Do you know where she is?"

The girl looked up, a hint of concern in her eyes. "Oh, hi. She's in our room—D-5. She's... not doing well. Depressed. She doesn't want to talk to me. I'm really worried about her." She paused, biting her lip. "If you think you can help, maybe you should go see her."

"Thanks," I said, offering a quick bow. She gathered her things and walked with me, filling the silence with details about Abby's recent behavior—nervous, on edge, as if afraid something terrible was looming over her. My curiosity deepened. The more I heard, the more I felt certain Abby knew something about Mr. Jung's death. After all, her necklace had been found in his apartment. She had to have some idea of what had happened that night.

When we arrived at the room, her roommate opened the door, and I stepped inside. Abby was sitting on her bed, curled up against the wall, a blanket wrapped tightly around her legs. She looked small, fragile, as though the weight of the world was crushing her from all sides.

"Abby? Are you okay?" I asked gently, sitting beside her. "I'm so sorry for everything that's happened."

She remained silent, her lips parting slightly as if she wanted to speak but couldn't find the words. Her eyes were vacant, staring at nothing in particular, lost in some dark corner of her mind. I could feel the tension, the battle raging inside her. She wanted to talk but feared the consequences of whatever she might say.

"Abby, please," I urged softly. "What you know about what happened in Mr. Jung's apartment could solve this crime. I don't think it's over, either. More people are in danger. There's a list—"

"A list?" she interrupted, her voice trembling. "I... I know about the list. He... he said there was one."

I leaned closer. "Who said that, Abby? Who is 'he'?"

Fear flashed in her eyes as she hugged her knees tighter. "I can't. He'll kill me if I say anything. I was fifth on the list..."

My heart skipped a beat. "Abby, you don't have to be afraid. Just tell me... was it Chris? My roommate?"

"I don't know!" she cried. "He was wearing a hood. He's insane! He said he's going to kill everyone on that list."

I pulled out the crumpled piece of paper from my pocket and unfolded it, revealing the scribbled names.

**They are fascinated by Satan**

1. The janitor

2. Mr. Jung

3. Mr. Kang

4. Eddy

5. I don't know her name

"Are these the names you saw on his list?" I asked, my voice tense.

Abby nodded, her face pale. "Yes, those are the names. He didn't know my name, but he recognized me. I was the fifth."

I swallowed hard, my mind racing. "We need to protect Mr. Kang. He's next. But Abby, why was your necklace found in Mr. Jung's hand?"

Her hands trembled as she spoke. "The man in the hood... he yanked it from my neck. He put it in Mr. Jung's hand to frame me. He wanted the police to think I was involved."

I reached out, pulling her into a comforting hug. "Don't worry, Abby. We'll figure this out. I promise we'll stop him."


Back at the police station, chaos filled the air. Agent Walker stood at the center of the storm, frustration etched on her face.

"Ma'am, we can't trace him," an agent reported, clearly uneasy. "The number he called from isn't registered. We couldn't even call back. It wasn't a phone—he's using a computer to disguise his location."

Walker clenched her jaw. "Wiretap the lines. He'll call again, and when he does, I want to be ready. We can't lose him."

Her nerves were on edge, the weight of the unsolved murders pressing down on her. Everyone in the office was scrambling, but Walker's thoughts were racing ahead.

"Listen, the second he contacts us again, notify me immediately." She grabbed her coat and holstered her gun. "I'm heading out to meet Eddy Miller."

With that, she strode out of the office, determined to get answers before the killer claimed his next victim.

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