Following Noah's lead, with trembling hands Japheth removed the eggshell lid and set it aside. Japh looked into his dragon-egg bowl. Warm, earthy scents of garlic, cumin, and cinnamon wafted up from a dark broth encompassing lentils, thinly sliced spring onions, asparagus, and mushrooms.
Noah sighed, "Your mother, Na'amah, was very talented. Did you see how finely carved each half is, to sit with is mate as if the shell was never broken? Your new mother, Na'amah, thought you would enjoy seeing them."
Japheth looked at Noah's new wife. "I thank you. Your kindness touches me."
Na'amah's tired face blushed at the praise, "You make too much of it."
Sedeqetelebab sniffed. "In my father's house are many such sets made from whole eggs, not cracked eggs pieced back together." She stirred her stew and looked at Japheth, "And with carvings in the shell depicting hunting scenes of dragons and," she looked at Ne'elatama'uk, "unicorns."
Her gaze unflinching, Ne'elatama'uk smiled at her elder sister, "Did the bubbles in the yayin tickle your nose, Sister?" She switched her gaze to Japheth. "You fear a reproachful eye, but tonight is not the night."[ This prophecy is in reference to whose reproachful eye? Abida? Or is he afraid of measuring up in the eyes of his father.]
Japheth did not know how to respond.
Shem lifted his bowl. "This is a special soup, Brother." He waited a moment before continuing. "It is called many-flavored soup, a recipe handed down from Yahweh, Himself, to help us understand the outcome of our endeavors."
Shem paused, savoring the anticipation. He glanced around the table, "Will we complete Yahweh's will as He desires and garner His praise?"
Focusing on Japheth, he continued, "Your outcome is known by the soup's flavor. We take one sip of broth. If it is amenable, His will is being done and He approves; your outcome will be good. If it is bitter or unpleasant, He is not pleased, your outcome will be poor. Just as each of us have our own destiny, each will receive a unique response.
Noah lifted his egg bowl. Shutting his eyes, he leaned forward and took a sip of broth. Eyes still closed, he swished the soup in his mouth before swallowing.
He opened his eyes, gently placed the bowl back in its holder, and looked around the table, nodding, "It is a complex flavor tonight, but ultimately good. This is my result."
Each person tasted their broth. Shem proclaimed his to be thick and filling, enough to sustain a man and ultimately good.
Ham, instead of taking a small sip, took a big gulp. He tried to hide his response to his soup's flavor, but his eyes watered, and his neck muscles constricted as he swallowed. "Yes, it is very lively tonight. Good in a strong, pungent way."
Noah's brow furrowed in concern.
Na'amah was next. "A bit tart but refreshingly so," she reported, after she swallowed firmly and took in a big breath of air.
Noah's frown deepened.
Sedeqetelebab smiled after she swallowed hers, "It tastes like nectar from the hive, full and sweet."
Shem smiled at her response, and the furrows in Noah's brow lessened.
Ne'elatama'uk took a sip. Japheth wondered how she would interpret the flavor, straightforward or cryptic, as all her speech had been? "Full bodied, with the satisfying salt of tears. I find it quite... favorable."
Noah's eyes brightened and looked expectantly at Japheth.
Japh took a sip from the golden rim and held it in his mouth for a moment. He was amazed at the broth's silky texture and rich flavor. A salty sweetness teased him and melded with the flavors of dark mushrooms and luscious olive oil. An unknown flavor, bitter yet soothing, repelled and attracted him at the same time. "It is an interesting broth, I find myself ultimately wanting more."
Noah looked heavenward. "It seems there will be stumbles on our way, with some stumbling more than others," he paused and looked at his wife and his middle son, "but overall the launching of the future of mankind will go well."
"You must try the various toppings for the soup; they are what make it delicious. Try the sliced ginger or the garlic. Also, the slender mushrooms." This came from Ham, who was scooping large amounts of each topping into his own bowl as the small bowls of spices and add-ons began their journey around the table.
"Yes. Regardless of what the first sip tasted like, these change it even more, to a soup every tongue would find delicious. Yahweh hates waste."
Japh nodded his head at Noah's words and, following everybody's actions, he added the additional seasons and toppings to his soup.
Servants removed the small bowls after the toppings had been added. They returned carrying the eggshell lids, now filled with round, stuffed rolls. Steam wafted off their bronzed, crackled surface.
Japh inhaled the scent of hot oil and spices. His mouth watered. How he had craved these during his time with the dragons. Before Noah could begin, he grabbed a hot roll, dunked it into its accompanying sweet sauce, and took a quick bite, sucking in air to cool it as he chewed.
He closed his eyes as the flavors and textures of thinly sliced carrots, nuggets of raisins, and strands of sprouted alfalfa filled his senses. The shocked silence was broken by the gentle laughter of Ne'elatama'uk, who was joined by Ham and the others. Japh did not care that family laughed at his bliss nor that he burned his fingers and tongue.
"Your brothers mentioned this was your favorite food. I am glad you find it acceptable."
Japheth opened his eyes, "It is as I have remembered over the past years. And thank you, Na'amah," he motioned to the bowls and the food, "for such a beautiful welcome home."
Dinner was followed by a sumptuous dessert platter. As it was the night before, Japh's favorite was the simple dessert of nuts and seeds in a blanket of spiced dough, over which a honey sauce had been drizzled.
Eventually the candles began to gutter. The family stood. Shem said one last blessing over them to keep them safe and out of harm's way before they made their way to their beds.
In a stupor from the excess of food, Tree, and yayin — potent, fermented grape juice — Japh was in bed, his head spinning. He reached his mind out for Ismi. It was a habit borne of familiarity. Her glow was there, as well as the sound of the trilling flute, but she refused to answer his call. He allowed himself one moment of heartache before drifting into a deep sleep.
How Dragons Survived the Flood
ParanormalJapheth's dragon is dumping him. The Ark is still being built. Destruction of the earth looms on the horizon. Returning to his father after a living most of his life with dragons, Japheth, Noah's youngest son, finds his father still building the Ark...