Tochen led Japheth though the labyrinth of streets in Uruk, closer and closer to the Temple of Inanna. Japh carried his pouch of stones on his belt and slung from his shoulders was a makeshift bundle containing the hide.
A short distance from Temple, they came to a small shop. The two men standing guard moved to block Japheth. At a simple nod from Tochen, they allowed him to enter.
"They know me, and you are a stranger," said Tochen by way of explanation.
Japheth took a moment, letting his eyes adjust to the dim interior, and then began looking at the baubles in the shop. He stroked the smooth wood of finely carved combs and looked into polished copper mirrors. He eyed gaudy peacock feathers, as well. Tacked to the wall were several small pieces of dragon hide. He went over and looked at them while Tochen greeted the proprietor.
"Daria, my friend. Meet my young friend, Japheth. He comes first to you because he has heard of your skill at making beautiful jewelry. He has also heard of your finely wrought trinkets and baubles and wishes to purchase a few of those as well."
Daria cast a baleful eye over the little man. "I did not think to see you here again, Tochen."
"I do not come for myself, rather my friend." Tochen smiled and bowed, motioning to Japheth.
"Yes, as he said," interrupted Japh. "I wish to have a necklace made, perhaps more."
Daria sniffed. "And what do you have that could be made into a necklace?"
Japheth opened his bag of stones and spread them on the table. Daria poked through them. "Well, there are a few nice stones, but nothing remarkable." He raised his eyebrows and folded his hands over his belt. "Do you have anything else?"
Japheth carefully unrolled the small package, revealing the dragon's tear.
Daria smiled, "May I?"
At Japheth's nod, he picked up the dragon's tear by its slender neck and held it in front of his window, observing how the sunlight shimmered in its depths. He moved to the shadows, enchanted, as the stone continued to glow. "Yes. This could be made into a beautiful piece." He gently placed it back in Japheth's hand.
Japh did not like the small glimmer in the man's eye. "Could it be done by the next New Moon Ceremony?"
"Many things can be done, but to make a setting worthy of this gem will take time. I would have to stop all my other work and focus only on the stone," responded Daria. "What do you have to barter with?"
Japheth careful rolled the tear back in it protective wrap. Gathering the rest of the stones, he handed the pouch to Tochen.
Just as carefully, he untied the bundle at his side. He unrolled a portion of dragon hide that was as wide and deep as he was tall, all the time watching Daria for any reaction.
Daria hid his reaction well, but not well enough. Japh heard the small catch in the man's breathing when he saw the pale red hide and felt relief wash over him. Tochen's plan would work.
"It is a good start, but will not cover all my expenses."
Tochen smiled and winked at Japheth. "Japh tells me this was taken from the belly of a large male. The belly. Only the finest dragon leather is from the belly. Soft, strong, and pliable. See how fine the small scales are? See how tightly they overlap?"
He walked over to Japh and stroked the leather. He easily crumpled the hide in his hands. When he let go, it quickly resumed its previous smooth texture and draped over his hand. "See how flexible it makes the hide? It is a big piece too, big enough for a robe."
"It is almost enough, Tochen, but more is needed. I have expenses that must be covered." Daria picked up the carved cedar comb Japheth had been looking at. "Such fine work takes time. The wood costs." He picked up a necklace. "The bronze and gold to create a necklace are not free."
Japheth listened to the men haggle back and forth a moment longer before speaking. "A lifetime went into learning how to find suitable dragons and skin them, keeping their hides whole. It is not easy work; rare as well, judging by those on your wall. This is five times larger that your largest piece and in better condition. But, if it is not enough..." He let his sentence trail away as he started folding the hide.
He stopped half-way through, considering. "I do like the cedar comb."
The guards became very interested in Japh's actions as he pulled his knife from its sheath. Measuring off a square of hide two handspans in either direction, he prepared to slice it off the whole. "This should be a fair enough trade."
Daria paled as he saw Japheth hold his knife to the large piece of dragon leather. He raised his hand, "No. It is more valuable whole."
Japh shrugged. "If it cannot get me the necklace made, then it is not more valuable to me. I may as well barter a piece of it and take the comb."
The storekeeper watched as Japheth re-measured the hide and folded it. He was just placing his knife in the crease of leather when Daria burst out, "I will do it! Leave the tear and the hide."
"No," Japh responded to the agitated storekeeper, as he sheathed his knife. "The work will have to be done at Noah's compound."
The man looked at him, frowning. "That is impossible. I do my work here."
"My dragon's tear stays with me. It is more valuable than half of what is in this store combined." Japh resumed folding the hide into a rectangle, "Despite Tochen's assurances, I do not trust you."
Tochen stepped between the two, as the guards started moving toward the men. "Surely we can come to an understanding?"
The hide shimmered in the light as Japh ran his hand firmly down the length of it, flushing out any wrinkle that might be hiding in the layers. Beginning at the narrow end, he started to roll the hide back into a bundle that he could easily carry. "I am leaving. I saw another shop as we made our way here. Perhaps they will be more flexible."
He had finished rolling up and securing the hide and was passing between the two guards, on his way to the door, when Daria called out, "Stop."
Japheth turned to look at the man, but did not remove his hand from the door, "Yes?"
"I can, for the whole red hide, make a necklace to showcase your tear. A necklace any woman would be proud to wear. You can bring the tear on the final day and watch me place it into the necklace. But, I will do the majority of the work here, in my shop."
Japheth nodded. "Very well, I will leave the lapis lazuli here for you to use in the necklace, as well.
"For another hide, or even your tunic, I could add a set of earrings and throw in the comb you were admiring. And" the merchant sighed, "it can be ready by the next New Moon celebration or shortly thereafter."
The sun was a finger width above the western horizon, as Japheth and Tochen trudged home. "Wake early tomorrow Japheth and we will go to Temple at first light."
Japheth nodded. Shivering, he huddled Tochen's cloak tighter round himself. It was small protection from the biting wind, as it left his chest and calves exposed. "Are sure she will like the comb?"
Tochen laughed. "Yes, I am."
How Dragons Survived the Flood
ParanormalJapheth's dragon is dumping him. The Ark is still being built. Destruction of the earth looms on the horizon. Returning to his father after a living most of his life with dragons, Japheth, Noah's youngest son, finds his father still building the Ark...