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"Where are we going, Yaya?" asks one cowardly and fat indian boy by her side, gaping for air.

"Shush! I think we lost them.."

"Are you sure, Yaya?" He whispers nervously.

The girl in the pink hijab keeps going without answering her friend's question. Gopal was now biting on his fingernails.

Later on, he hears her footsteps silence in the dark forest.

"W-why did y..ou stop?!" He jumps a little as he struggles to catch up with her.


"Eh? Yaya are you okay?" He reaches his hand out to her shoulder but later on realizes what she had her eyes fixed on.

Gopal gasps silently, seeing where the path led them to. "W-What is this place?!"

There were houses hanging on the branches of huge trees, people riding brooms which set off into the sky, people with wands which glowed and shimmered, people who laughed and had fangs showing off, people with wings attached to their backs.

And most fascinating of all was the tall and enormous sunflower which shaded the mysterious and colorful land under it's bright translucent petals.

"Gopal... i-it's beautiful.." Yaya's brown eyes were shining happily as the boy glanced at them.

"Well, y-yeah, sure, but we don't know this place..!" He trembles in his spot and tugs on Yaya's dress; signaling her to back away and retreat. He sure was a coward after all. "What is that anyway?! A vampire?! That one looks like a--!"

But all of a sudden, someone screams at the top of their lungs, "LOOK OUUUUTTTT!!!!"

"EH?! YAYA!" Gopal grabs his mesmerized friend out of the way as a broom comes crashing their way!


The two get back up on their feet after the unexpected came falling from the sky. Yaya coughed gently; seeing all the dust it has caused. "Uwaaahh! Why did a broom come after us?! Waahhhh!! Let's go back, Yaya!!" Gopal takes shelter behind her and attentively looks out for anything that could possibly fall out from the sky as well.

"We have to check what that was.." She says with her usual concerned tone.

"It's a broom, Yaya! A broom for crying out loud! How many people have been greeted by a falling broom? No one! Waahhhh let's go back!!"

"F-fine.. Let's just check on this first.. Someone would have gotten hurt!"

"Have you seen the people here?! They're unusual!"

Yaya knew of course. She also saw how they were flying and using wands! She was also scared. But more than that feeling, she was amazed! She wanted to know more about this place.

"Don't you want a little adventure, Gopal?"

"No!" He answers quickly, which didn't surprise his friend.

"We've been slaves for our entire lives.. This is the only chance we get to see things like this!"

Gopal sees that glint of sadness in her eyes that makes him sigh.

"Alright, i give up.. But let's hurry, okay?!"

Yaya gives him a smile of approval. "Okay then!" She leads their way, with Gopal still feeling a bit unsafe.

And yet off they go, following the trail of the fallen broom; unaware of what awaits them.

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