10. "Uh Lix? Can I Have A Hug?"

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Felix POV

I groaned faintly as rolled around in the bed. A small whine leaving me at the pain in my lower stomach. I hated this so much. I had been trying to sleep for the past hour after Jihyo and Naeyon had left and I still felt like I was dying. Getting up I got the hot back and went to heat it up before laying back in bed with it on my stomach thinking back to this morning

Flashback to this morning

"Oh my God, Oh my God, Oh my God! AM I DYING!?? WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!?" Felix screamed as she looked at the pool of blood that stained her sheets, and coated her shorts.

In a matter of seconds Woojin, Chan. Hyunjin and Jisung were in the room upon hearing the screaming. Their eyes widening in shock as they looked at the girl covered in blood instantly knowing what was happening.

"Shit- I'll call Nayeon..." Hyunjin muttered quickly running out of the room to grab his phone and call the girl mentioned.

Meanwhile Chan and Woojin looked to each other in surprise as Jisung tried to calm Felix down who wouldn't stop freaking out and was now crying.

"Oh God, I am dying arent I? I need to call mum and tell her I love her-" She whined and Jisung slapped a hand over his mouth trying his best not to laugh.

"I didn't think this would actually happen-" Chan whispered in disbelief and Woojin just rolled his eyes annoyed to even be in the same room with their leader.

"Well...at least we know you used protection. " The elder muttered with a roll of his eyes. Chan sighing lightly at this as he looked back to his girlfriend. Since telling the rest of the group that they were official a few days back Woojin had made himself extremely distant from the leader.

"My stomach really hurts.." Felix whined causing Jisung to go back into panick mood as he rubbed over the girls stomach though still being careful of the blood.

"Um um um, okay first off all we need to get you cleaned up." Jisung muttered and glanced over to the two older boys. "Woojin Hyung can you run a bath? Chan Hyung you're going to have to help her undress and everything. Hopefully the girls will be here by the time she's done." Woojin nodding as he went off to the bathroom to start the bath while Chan took over Jisung's spot and helped the girl up.

"Are you guys sure I'm not dying?" Felix questioned finally calming down causing Chan to chuckle.

"You're not dying babe, now let's get you in that bath." He smiled and pulled off her hoodie leaving her in her undershirt and shorts.

Picking up the girl Chan made his way to the bathroom and placed the complaining girl in the tub. Felix letting out a sigh of relief, finding the hot water to be somewhat soothing to the pain that surrounded her lower areas.

Woojin just glancing at the two before making his way out of the bathroom. While Chan stayed beside the tub and just watched the girl relax into the hot bath with a small chuckle.

"Does it hurt that much?" He questioned causing Felix to open her eyes and send the older boy a glare.

"Fuck yeah it hurts, what the fuck kind of question is that?" She hissed causing the elder Aussie to raise his hands in defence.

"Sorry sorry." He muttered just leaning against the edge of the tub and watching the girl.

"Felix- oh Chan hyung hey-" Hyunjin grinned as he peeked into the bathroom before letting out a hum. "Jihyo and Nayeon will be here shortly. So sit tight, Lix." He assured before glancing over to Chan. "Some of us are going to head out...see you guys later."

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