4. "Baby Girl, I made you breakfast!"

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//Please remember that Felix's female name is Alexia to the public so both names will be used.//

Finally getting back to the dorm after the fansigning Felix was quick to make her way to her room and flopped onto the bed exhausted.

She wasn't sure how she was supposed to get used to all this and was already stressed the fuck out with everything. Also she couldn't figure out way her stomach felt weird and her heart would start to race with every little touch she would get from their oldest member earlier that day.

Shaking the thought off it took a few minutes for the girl to finally push herself off the bed to go wash up and get change into some comfy clothes. She still didn't have any female clothing so she slipped on one of her joggers before deciding to wear Woojin's hoodie from earlier again since it was very comfortable and smelled exactly like the boy it belonged to. Burying her face into the clothing she giggled a softly letting the intoxicating scent wash over her for a moment.

After her little moment the girl happily skipped out of the bedroom to go to the kitchen and grab a cheese stick. Just because she was no longer male didn't mean her personality and what she liked changed.

Shuffling into the livingroom she smiled at Woojin, Chan and Seungmin who were currently looking for a movie to watch.
"Hey Alexia~"Seungmin grinned figuring the girl should get used to the new name. "Wanna join us?"

Felix just nodded a bit and slipped over to them and plopped down onto the couch between Chan and Woojin. Chan looked to the girl with a grin raising a han and poking her cheek.

"Baby girl, I thought you were tired?" He cooed the name instantly causing a blush to rise onto the girls cheeks while her eyes went wide. "I-I am...but I can watch!" She finally replied while shifting a bit between the two males wondering if she should move.

Woojin on the other hand just sent the blonde boy a glare before he wrapped his arm around the younger of the threes shoulder pulling the girl a bit closer to his side. This caused Felix to snap her head up to look at the eldest but when she was met with his bright smile she just let out a soft giggle while leaning her head on his shoulder.

Chan frowned at this not finding it very fair that Woojin was getting all of the girls attention. With a pout he turned his attention back to the TV and watched the movie. Every now and then glancing at the two that were cuddling beisde him with an annoyed expression.

Two hours had gone by like a snap of a finger and the movie was over. Surprisingly enough felix had yet to fall asleep. Though she couldn't say the same for Woojin who was dozing off. Lightly poking the eldest side she snickered when he shot his eyes open again.

"Oppa...go sleep. You're obviously tired." She smiled sweetly up at him and the male just nodded slowly not saying no to going to bed. Standing Woojin lightly ruffled the girls hair and cooed softly.

"Good night Lix~ Night Chan." The male said eyeing the leaders smirk that had grown onto his lips the moment Woojin agreed to go to bed. Seungmin had passed out awhile ago and Hyunjin had already came and carried the sleeping boy to his bed.

With Woojin gone it was now just Felix and Chan left in the dark livingroom. The TV being the only source of light in the room. Felix then glanced over to the older Aussie after a moment of silence and smiled brightly.

"Wanna watch anoth-" Felix started but Chan had cut her off before she could finish.

"Did you just call Woojin Oppa?" He asked causing the youngers eyes to go wide and deep blush to once again cover her cheeks.

'Shit did I say it out loud?' She cursed mentslly but slowly nodded her head yes. Chan pouted at this and turned to face her more.

"That's not fair- I'm older then you too! What about me?" Chan asked the girl. Her eyes going wide slightly before she was letting out a breathy laugh amused.

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